If Slovenians usually migrate en masse to Italian Tuscany for the May Day holidays, this year there are no excuses not to seek this magic in "Slovenian Tuscany". After several months of closure, hotels, villas and tourist farms in the Goriška region are reopening. Treat yourself to a break at the junction of the Mediterranean and the Alps in one of the boutique hotels in the Goriška region.
This year, on April 24, we celebrate the Slovenian Day without wasted food for the first time. We can also contribute a lot to reducing the amount of wasted food and thus prevent the unnecessary consumption of natural resources, money and packaging. By making small changes in the way we buy, cook and plan meals, we can save time, improve eating habits and, above all, help protect the environment.
After several months of hiatus, tourist accommodations are finally opening in the coastal-karst region. As we are all eager to take a break and feel the pulse of the "former" life again, choosing a short break in this region will surely be a great choice. That's why we have selected nine of the most romantic holiday accommodations for you, which will surely convince you to spend the coming warm days there.

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