A quality digital camera, associated lens(es), tripod, external flash, and photo processing software are must-haves for any photographer. Now we can safely add to this Snapp Guides, an application or interactive guide to destinations, which is the fruit of the Slovenian-British connection and collects funds for further development on Kickstarter, and makes it easier for the user to find the best locations for landscape photography.
After Siddharta x Big Foot Mama resoundingly rocked our extra hall together on one big stage the year before, and Dan D x Mi2 faced the challenge last year, the 12th Rhythm of Youth, organized by Collegium Mondial Travel and Hitradio Antena, will this year, for the first time, we hosted Red Bull Music Soundclash: Dubioza Kolektiv vs SARS. However, since such a large stage is too small for the simultaneous sawing of two such energetic bands, on December 14 in Stožice, they will fight for the sympathy of the audience in two, each at its end of the hall.
Humans of New York - a photoblog that stirs our imagination with everyday photos and thoughts of random passers-by from the streets of New York by peeking into the lives of strangers and at the same time with each new photo reminds us that life is colorful: full of sincerity and laughter, painful realities and tears, ups and downs, but in the final stage, regardless of everything, it is beautiful and full of love.
Cassandra de Pecol wants to become the first woman to visit every country in the world. At the moment, it has ticked off 181, so it is only 15 countries short of 196. She set out on her journey in July 2015 and is well on her way to visit all 193 sovereign states as well as Kosovo, Taiwan and Palestine in record time. She spent 198 thousand US dollars in 15 months on her travels, which she named Expedition196.
While it may seem strange to be talking about the Walkman in 2015, the device that was synonymous with music on the go before the iPod was, Sony has given us no other choice. At the consumer electronics fair CES 2015, Sony will present the Walkman ZX2. Hodimož has risen from the dead, but that does not mean that cassettes are also coming back, because it is an Android music device that supports high-resolution sound and does not want to be more than a gadget for audiophiles.
Angleški tisk jih je označil za najnevarnejšo skupino na svetu. Newyorški radio jih je na gostovanju po Ameriki pred leti najavil kot skupino, ki ukinja države in ustvarja nove. V Jugoslaviji so bili več let prepovedani z uradnim dekretom. Od ustanovitve leta 1980 do danes je imela skupina več kot ...

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