The importance and attendance of parks in Slovenia is growing, as we have finally started to introduce a culture of socializing into them. A good example is Tivoli Park, which not so long ago people did not take for granted, but when the Prostorožovka took care of the 'lungs of Ljubljana', an avalanche of revival was triggered, which also involved the renovation of the mini golf course, which is reopened its doors last week.
Ever since Donald Trump was elected US president and the first lady will be Slovenian, Slovenia, a country that, according to NBC, is no bigger than the state of Houston, has been under the scrutiny of the world media. Only the second First Lady of the United States who was not born in America, Melania Trump, comes from here. You can see how our pocket country, which was also declared a European New Zealand, is represented in their contributions after the elections by world media such as BBC, NBC, CNN and others.
Although the members of the Bogota Humana cycling team didn't do well in the race in Tuscany, they got a lot of media attention when their group photo in "naked" jerseys went around the world. Tricots that imitate the female genital organ have also raised eyebrows with the competent authorities at the International Cycling Union (UCI). Is sexism at work or is it just cheap advertising? Judge for yourself.
We will walk around the city with a plan of Ljubljana from 1811 by the students of the class for mathematics and drawing of the Ljubljana University. The map was drawn by Jean (Janez) Scherrer, also the later author of the painting Illyria resurrected. We will start our walk in the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova, where we will briefly see...
We will walk around the city with a plan of Ljubljana from 1811 by the students of the class for mathematics and drawing of the Ljubljana University. The map was drawn by Jean (Janez) Scherrer, also the later author of the painting Illyria resurrected. We will start our walk in the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova, where we will briefly see...
Did you know that in New Zealand, cars also run on beer? This does not mean that if you run out of fuel, you will be able to pour beer from a can into the tank, since it is a biofuel made from the remains of beer brewing and not beer as a final product, but nevertheless, the fuel of the Brewtroleum brewery DB Breweries sounds promising and is a great way to transport your steel horse in a more environmentally friendly way.
Google has announced Project Tango, a prototype Android smartphone that can perceive the 3D world around it in real time. The ambitious project comes from Google's ATAP (Advanced Technology and Projects) division headed by Johnny Chung Lee. According to Lee, the goal of Project Tango is to give a mobile device a human-like ability to understand the scale of space and movement.

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