Intelligent, successful, beautiful, stylish, friendly, witty, loving and knowledgeable, yet single. How is it possible that girls and women, who should be the most desirable according to common sense, are single? Is it their own fault or is the whole world conspiring against them? "Oh, mon cheri, we don't fall in love with successful women," said Coco Chanel. And what if she was right? Here are the reasons why smart girls find it harder to find their prince on a white horse.
In December, the atmosphere is extremely happy, exuberant. But it is also a time when we remember relatives, friends and acquaintances with whom we crossed paths in the past year and, as is customary, we send them greeting cards covered with Christmas and New Year's thoughts or verses. But if the "aggregate state" of greeting cards changes over the years, the words still carry the same power. And if you can't find the right ones, help yourself with our selection. Even if you have yours in stock, reading it will warm your heart.

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