Instagram is one of the most popular social networks, used by more than 500 million people worldwide. For a long time, it is no longer intended only for storing, editing and sharing photos among a close circle of friends. Today, it is also one of the most important niches for marketing and, of course, a source of information about consumers, which is analyzed on a daily basis for the purpose of improving the sales strategies of companies. From the latter and similar surveys, you can find out what your Instagram photos say about you.
Tesla can certainly be placed on the list of the greatest geniuses of all time. He is known for his invention of the use of modern electricity, and he patented more than 700 other inventions. The power that his mind possessed is still unimaginable to many. From his autobiography entitled Nikola Tesla, we can understand that he increased his productivity with the help of unusual habits. Can we also introduce them into our lives?
Even if you don't like nails and manicure means absolutely nothing to you, you know that shiny and strong nails are a sign of well-being. Some women are lucky enough to have artificial looking nails, but others are just not meant to be. However, with some effort, patience and the right products, you too will have shiny and healthy nails.
Many of us put such pressure on ourselves from the holidays that we barely manage to enjoy them. One of the sources of stress is definitely the Christmas dinner, for which we have high expectations. However, the essence of the holidays is not shiny gifts and a table so covered that we have to throw most of the food away or give it away, but the connection with our loved ones. In order to spend less time preparing the kitchen during the holidays, read the best simple recipes for Christmas dinner.
How I want snowflakes for Christmas. That would be so fabulous! And although this was the norm a few years ago, today it is not only an exception, but science fiction. It will snow before and after the holidays, it will snow for Easter and even for May Day, but it won't snow for Christmas. But I won't give up. Christmas is known for miracles.
This time we have prepared for you a recipe for a delicious homemade panettone, which will make this year's Christmas and New Year's holidays even more beautiful. Although it is a rather complicated dessert (in some places it takes 3 days or more to prepare), we looked for a slightly simpler version, which is no less delicious.

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