It's a bad month until Halloween, but there's nothing wrong with having your costume ready. At the end of the month, you will carve more pumpkins and decorate the house. For the finishing touch, a good party will come in handy, which is prepared for Halloween in all parts of Slovenia. Is your broomstick ready for Halloween 2018 and do you already know where to go for a Halloween party?
Alexa was the first one we talked to and asked her for something without getting upset about it. Today, they are joined by Siri, Cortana and Google's assistant without a female name, but with a cute female voice. It's all about smart speakers, and here are the best smart speakers for the home.
It was high time Microsoft updated its Surface family of tablets and laptops, as it was still selling them with seventh-generation dual-core processors. However, the new "hybrid" Microsoft Surface Pro 6 and the Microsoft Surface Laptop 2 are powered by eight-generation quad-core chips, along with some other improvements.
Some people follow expiration dates strictly and no one can convince them to use a certain thing after the expiration date. Others, on the other hand, do not change the dates, as they follow the rule that the markings on the packaging are only a guideline, with which manufacturers legally insure themselves. Well, maybe those who strictly throw away everything that has expired are smart, because you will be surprised by the list of things that we use despite the expiration date, but do not realize it.
We live in an age of consumption, where we are spoiled with countless tastes and forms of food from every corner. However, statistics show that this year, humans around the world 'lost' or wasted more than 520 million tonnes of food. In the desire for the new and unusual, manufacturers often try to find bizarre or strange food products in order not to lose consumers. What new flavors did humans create in 2018?
Men rarely realize the importance of kissing. If you mess up with your first kiss, you may not have made a fatal mistake yet, but since for many girls kisses are considered even more intimate than bed mischief, kissing technique is one of the pillars of a relationship, so it's important to know what girls don't like.
The Polyglot Conference has been delighting many speakers around the world for five years - in 2013 they broke the ice in Budapest, and six years later they will host the conference for the first time in Ljubljana. The theme of this year's conference is 'Diversity in Language', so they will also celebrate the diversity we encounter in the country, as well as the diversity among the participants.

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