Intuitively, it seems to us that a smile means that someone is happy or, in the worst case, at least satisfied. However, according to research, a smile on your face can also mean many other things. Science says that a smile reveals more than we think. What exactly, read in the article.
The popularity of certain destinations changes over the years - Thailand was probably the most popular place to travel this year, but many wanted to avoid it precisely because of the influx of tourists. If you don't know where to stick your ax in the world map next year, here are the destinations that will be a dream in 2019. Prepare your passports now!
Art historian and cosmopolitan dr. Barbara Jaki began her journey at the National Gallery thirty years ago as a curator, and today she is in her third term at the helm. We talked with her about the 100th anniversary of the National Gallery, which coincides with the European Year of Cultural Heritage, about her collection, about the "star moments" of the gallery and about the Parisian romance, which, among other things, brought the director of the National Gallery the French state decoration of the Legion of Honor.
The mission of the IBM Corporate Service Corps is voluntary consulting by IBM employees to non-governmental organizations that support economic development and entrepreneurship, education and social services. This is the second such mission in Slovenia. Since the start of the program in July 2008, IBM has already sent 4,073 employees from 61 countries on missions to 44 countries, where these personnel provide professional services in the fields of technology, marketing, entrepreneurship, law, human resources and logistics.
A good relationship with your boss will definitely help you at work. However, since we are all different people, an appropriate approach should be taken when meeting with a superior. What tactic should you use in your next meeting?
Who can imagine life without chocolate in all its forms? Chocoholics definitely not! For the sixth time this year, more than 60 providers of chocolate delicacies will be gathered in one place, in one day, and with their desserts, Pogačarjev trg will be flooded with enticing aromas, and the palates of those with a sweet tooth will be taken to new dimensions. The chocolate world is waiting for you!

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