Humans are quite step-motherly when it comes to food, at least judging by the amount of food we waste. Every Slovenian alone throws away as much as 82 kilograms of it every year! The number is shocking, but the situation can be improved with small actions. In this light, the project "Volk sit, goat whole" was born, and in this light also Foodee was born, a smart food organization system consisting of a mobile application, a smart reader (scanner) and a smart scale, which prevents the generation of waste or food waste.
Sillian is probably not the first place that comes to mind when you think of a vacation destination or trip. But this small town in East Tyrol in Austria should be high on the list of those looking for a place for an active vacation, be it in spring, summer, autumn, and especially in winter. Namely, Sillian is a paradise for all those who are not so much into sitting down and lying down, but more into jumping into hills, cycling trips, skiing, cross-country skiing, etc.
Two sizes, three designs and tons of personalization. This is the second generation of Motorola's Moto 360 smart watch. If you didn't have a design choice with the original model, the successor "corrects" that. There are classic versions such as men's (screen diameter 42 and 46 mm) and women's (42 mm) watches, as well as the Moto 360 sport, which is created for sports activities and is accordingly secured with materials that can cope with such conditions (e.g. a strap made of silicone). All of them are waterproof and equipped with a heart rate monitor.
Would you like to transform into Slovenian eagles and feel what it means to fly 250 meters far without having to ski down the Planiška Velikanka? Soon it will be possible. But not with the help of augmented reality. A steel cable has been strung over the ski jump of the Gorišek brothers, and the attraction will soon be officially opened. Ziplines are nothing new in Slovenia, but nowhere will you feel like Peter Prevc, Robert Kranjec, Primož Peterka and other jumpers who complete the same route on skis while going down the zipline.
Six simple colorful letters on a blank page. This is Google. One, if not the most powerful brand in the world and a name that has become an independent verb in the dictionary. They recently changed the look of their recognizable logo, but while tectonic shifts are taking place in the background with the restructuring of the company, where the parent company was renamed Alphabet, Google remains faithful to its previous appearance. The web giant left the colors of the letters as they are, but used a new typography where the letters are softer. On the other hand, the icon experienced a more visible change.
Here is a new, beautiful short video of Ishtar X Tussilago, a story of friendship and freedom. The short film that Maceo Frost made with the brave girl Ishatar Backlund while "longboarding" in the hills, while driving and exploring the epic mountains and landscapes of Norway, is accompanied by an excellent soundtrack by the Swedish rock band Tussilago. The result is a short but wonderful insight into the incredible nature of Norway and brings us the feeling of living a life's dream.
Mars is not a mission to the planet Mars. Mars is a futuristic vessel and short for the Mayflower Autonomous Research Ship, which is poised to become the first vessel to cross the Atlantic Ocean unmanned. This is supposed to happen in 2020, when 400 years will pass since the Mayflower ship, full of English separatists (puritans), sailed to the New World (Plymouth Massachusetts) from Plymouth, England. Mars will also develop knots with the help of sails, and the trimaran, which has discarded its oars and crew in exchange for drones, will also be assisted by solar energy.
Did you know that Wi-Fi waves are basically radio waves, with a shorter wavelength? Both Wi-Fi and radio waves (also used by mobile phones) fall under electromagnetic waves, but the difference between them is that Wi-Fi ones are significantly shorter (they are only 12 centimeters long compared to radio waves, which are several hundred meters) and therefore cannot extend further than approx. 45 meters. In addition, the signal is weaker with the distance from the wireless router, so we often encounter poor Wi-Fi signal quality. But by following simple instructions, you will get a stronger wireless network signal at zero cost.
Ferrolic is a desk clock that you will stare at for hours. It does not display time digitally, nor analogically, but with the help of a magnetic fluid (ferrofluid), which is constantly in motion and resembles the never-ending images from the Rorschach test. If your desk or wall clocks have received only cursory, informative glances until now, the Ferrolic clock will be different. You will be able to stare at it for hours, as if you were watching an artist at work.

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