You could say that it's not summer without homemade genovese pesto. The rich taste of basil, pine nuts, garlic and Parmesan cheese can also be carried into late autumn and winter with the help of frozen homemade pesto. Try our recipe for homemade pesto genovese and the smell of summer in your kitchen will go on and on...
Would you rather see the glass half empty than half full? Are you unable to look at life on the bright side? If you answered yes to these two questions, you are more than obviously a pessimist, and the "motivational" thoughts from the sequel are therefore perfect for you and your bedroom wall.
For those who do not live in Hotel Mama during their student days, life can be difficult at times. No one cooks for them, no one irons for them, they know there is not enough money... So they have to make do as they know how. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. The fact that they are out of steam does not mean that they are deprived in any way. Because a student without a fick is a resourceful student. Don't believe it? See for yourself!
The narrow streets of Ljubljana smelled like the smell of smoked delicacies from Texas and Kansas. Miha and Nejc Pešeč opened the Kralj žara restaurant, the first "smoke house" in Slovenia. As the first in Slovenia, they will also offer smoked beer on tap, and it will also be possible to buy fresh vacuum-packed meat. In addition to the restaurant, there is also a "takeaway" restaurant, Kralj na natri, where they take care of the stomachs of all passers-by.
Scoutee is a Slovenian baseball speedometer, which recently started its Kickstarter company, with which it wants to raise 50 thousand US dollars to start production. The start is encouraging, but the ball is round, as they say, so the team must not chill the champagne yet. It is a radar device that measures the speed of the ball used in baseball (it is expected to measure other types of balls in the future), and their target group in the first phase is aspiring baseball players as well as coaches.
For quite some time, the rule of thumb has been that humans are born with a certain level of intelligence and the best we can do is live up to our potential. But scientists have proven that we can actually increase our potential and enjoy the process. By learning new skills, the brain creates new nerve pathways that enable faster and better quality work. Here is a list of seven hobbies that make us smarter.
Everyone has a double in the world. If you think you don't have one, you might be looking in the wrong place. Do you only look around among people? You may have it in an animal or object! Check out the amazing similarities between humans and animals, animals and objects, and other types of duplicates that you'll find where you'd never expect.
Top directors know how to make a great ending to a movie. But whether they are epic, shocking or indeterminate, good directors go one step further and connect the ending with the beginning. An observant viewer will notice this and be rewarded with a missing link that will leave the rest of the audience scratching their heads after leaving the theater. Check out the missing links in movies like Avatar, 12 Monkeys, Gone, and Shipwreck.

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