They are like a white crow. They are rare, but they testify to how humans and animals are different. Animals kill out of need, people out of greed, so videos like this knock on our conscience and remind us of the humanity that animals sometimes possess more than we do. Just look at this bear in the Budapest zoo, filmed by a Slovenian family, how it saves a drowning crow, which is surprised that it took all its feathers away.
Summer picnics and evening walks across the city are almost always accompanied by the chirping and biting of mosquitoes. In addition to wearing socks on your hands to avoid scratching and slapping yourself to distract from the itching, we present to you some more effective and above all simple natural remedies that quickly repel the extensive consequences of mini mosquito bites.
Are you interested in what was the reason for the creation of the Lishinu leash? Grega, one of the creators, had a bitter experience while walking his dog Red. When he was tying his shoes, Reda startled something and the next moment he was gone. Fortunately, this story has a fairy-tale ending, as Red eventually returned. And this leash was created so that something like this would not happen again. Grega and Red then lived happily ever after with Lishinu.
Google is more than a search engine, it has become a verb! "Google it!" is the answer you get when you're looking for a quick answer from a friend. Do you really know how to google or just think you know how to google? Already using Google tricks and shortcuts to get even more accurate results? Here are 30 tricks for using Google!
Moritz Eis is not just ice cream - although it is beautiful and they say you don't forget it. It's a story, it's a bunch of interesting people who have fun while doing "business". "We are Moritz Eis. We love ice cream so much that we make 100 % natural flavors every day," introduces the team, an Austrian-Serbian connection that never runs out of ideas.
Testosterone Festival is back and with it the steroid, sorry, stereotypical definition of manly men. And since it's a wedge with a wedge, Sylvester Stallone and a group of action movie stars let the means of warfare do the talking this time as well, as they're dealing with a ruthless arms dealer. Who says there is no place for old people?
Anyone who thinks that hipsters are a one-day fad, should take a walk through the city areas that we will present to you below, and whoever thinks that there are few of them in the world, should borrow the iconic Ray-Ban prescription frames from one of them. he puts in the lenses and takes another good look. Because not only can you find them in all cosmopolitan cities, today they even have their own neighborhoods.
Fruits of all colors and shapes, to refresh or satisfy a 'sweet tooth', with or without added alcohol, to drink, eat or lick, the key to summer fruit recipes is that they are simple, full of vitamins and that almost all the main ingredients can be harvested even in the home garden... and they are also an excellent alternative to less healthy desserts.

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