
Tree of 40 fruit: about a tree that bears as many as 40 kinds of fruit

Human creation with a lot of help from nature

We used to need an entire orchard to get a crate of fruit, but apparently soon it will only take one tree. Sam Van Aken, an American sculptor, developed the Tree of 40 fruit, a tree that bears as many as 40 types of fruit.

A vision of the growth of a tree creation
A vision of the growth of a tree creation

Sam Van Aken, an American professor and sculptor from New York, with the desire to save the orchard in Agricultural experimental center in New York, which was about to be cut down, began to carefully plan and find a way to save the many varieties of fruit trees in the orchard, which were up to 200 years old.

First he thought about the artwork…

Tree of 40 fruit as an art installation.
Tree of 40 fruit as an art installation.

By grafting, he 'created' a different kind of art: a tree that looks quite ordinary most of the year, but becomes downright divine in the spring! Tree of 40 Fruits or the Tree of 40 Fruits blooms in various shades of pink, crimson red and white, and from July to October is the time for fruit ripening. With emphasis on the plural! The tree should bear apricots, cherries, nectarines, peaches, plums, even almonds... a total of 40 types of fruit.

A tree that will one day fill several crates of fruit.
A tree that will one day fill several crates of fruit.

Project it took 5 years to create the 'perfect' tree, and today there are already a huge number of trees growing successfully, dotted around public locations, in museums and even private art collections. Apparently, some time soon we will be able to nibble on nectarines while walking around New York. And plums. And apricots. Well, hotplates...

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