Maneki Neko
The ancient land of the rising sun, with its deep philosophies and fascinating lore, hides a playful yet profound symbol of prosperity — the Maneki Neko. The image of a cat greeting with a raised paw not only adorns the thresholds of many establishments around the world, but also occupies an honored place in the annals of Japanese culture. The story of Maneka Neko is a rich tapestry interwoven with historical anecdotes, cultural significance and contemporary charm that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries.
In the world of classical music, a talent that could be described as a "rebel" rarely appears. HAUSER, one of today's most respected cellists, is just that – and in the most stunning way. As one of the founding members of the popular duo 2Cellos, Hauser is known for bringing a modern spin to classical music. And now this musical phenomenon brings its uniqueness to Arena Zagreb, on October 25, as part of its first solo world tour "Rebel With a Cello".

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