Acclaimed filmmaker Luc Besson, who produced and co-wrote the screenplay with co-writer Robert Mark Kamen, and director Olivier Megaton present a thriller that follows in the footsteps of the global hit Kidnap. The story continues two years after the events of the first film, when Bryan Mills, while working...
In the accompanying program BIO 23, you will be able to see how Italian industrial design meets respect for ecosystems. Industrial design in Italy is most reflected in the cultural field. Master craftsmen, with a unique dialogue between creativity and industrial production in this land...
Sreda / 19.9.2012 / 23h FOOTWERKDomača ekipa ghetto bass zanesenjakov se to jesen pripravlja na premierni zagon sub-soničnega obrata,  ki bo tresel rebrne kletke,  samodejno premikal stopala in garantirano spotil plesišče. Destinacija: Back to the future, ass to the past!  Gorivo: ...
AM exhibition #1 author of the exhibition: Jože Koželj "In touch with wood" date: August 4, 2012 Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Location: Breg Ljubljana / within the project "XIII. Artmarket Ljubljana" Organizer: Association of creative programs / DUP Author and project manager: David Matej Goljat The project is supported by...
The Philips SoundHub HTS5593 home theater system provides a superior music experience. It is equipped with state-of-the-art DTS-HD Master Audio and Dolby TrueHD technologies, which eliminate the differences between the reproduced sound and the studio original, ensuring the pure and authentic sound that you...
The Sharp brand is one of the world's leading manufacturers of multifunction devices (MFN) for professional use. That is why Sharp is a sponsor of Microsoft's NT conference again this year, where for the first time in Slovenia, a new smart LCD 70'' touch screen will be on display, on which the Windows 8 operating system will be presented with the advantages...
In the center of the capital lies Eksperiment, a restaurant and bar that takes care of hungry stomachs until the early hours of the morning. For beer lovers, it is welcome information that they can pour home-made beer, brewed according to their own recipe. Beer goes perfectly with pork ribs, poultry and roast chicken, which are always on...
Spring will come to our places at any time, as ceramic jewelry designer Hana Karim reminded us. She recently presented herself at the Lična house with the Expo sales exhibition, and she also had her corner at the design month. We fell in love with her fORMINORA collection, where she skilfully combines rough with gentle and...
We started a new series of meetings in good company with food and selected wines in mid-March with Italian cuisine, where only a few simple ingredients bring ever new pleasures: pizzas for all tastes, excellent Italian pasta, olive oil, aromatic herbs, parmesan, tiramisu, espresso. Among other things, our chef...

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