Tinder is a popular mobile dating app that generates over 10 million potential matches every day. Flirting has never been so easy. You just swipe the screen to the right and if you both do it, Tinder connects you. Whether you like Tinder or not, this Tinder parody will make you laugh. And what is Tinder's superpower? Like Darth Vader, who can choke from a distance, Tinder has telekinetic abilities, killing a person with a wave of his hand to the left.
Solos Smart are smart cycling glasses modeled after Google Glass, which completely replace the need to use a bicycle meter. Currently, they are only used by members of the US Olympic cycling team, but soon we will also be able to wear these glasses for recreational users, as the project has found its way onto the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform.
Parking sensors make it easier to park a car, but not all drivers have this luxury, as not every car has them. Now you can think of a parking sensor no matter what car you drive, and you don't even need to visit a mechanic! Until now, the only option was to have qualified people install them in your vehicle, which often meant drilling holes in the bumper and laying wiring. With the FenSens parking sensor, this changes. You replace the old license plate frame with FenSens, download the dedicated mobile app and voilà, parking becomes much, much easier in an instant!
What Rihanna is doing on the Billboard singles chart, Pebble is doing on the Kickstarter platform. Every smartwatch created by this Californian brand becomes a big hit and achieves incredible sales results! She went to the crowdfunding platform for the third time, this time with a trio of products, and instantly exceeded the financial goal, i.e. one million dollars, which she literally begged, if we're being a bit graphic. What is she used to? Their previous campaign for the Pebble Time smart watch still holds the speed record of "on" a million US dollars raised, and the Pebble 2 and Pebble Time 2 and Pebble Core smart watches that are being introduced now, Kickstarter predicts a bright future.
Iron Man has an assistant Pepper Potts, a leader in global payments and technology MasterCard and a restaurant chain that sells more pizza, pasta and poultry than any other restaurant in the world, and Pizza Hut has Pepper, an advanced robot that interacts with customers, takes orders and enables mobile payments. Are the days of waiters numbered?
Wondering what are the best mobile apps of 2016? In the flood of phone apps, it's hard to separate the wheat from the weeds. Thankfully, there's internet giant Google to do it for us. Introducing the best mobile apps of 2016 so far!
On Saturday, May 21, 2016, between 11 a.m. and 12 p.m., at Big Bang Mega in BTC Ljubljana, children will meet the tooth fairy and learn all about clean and beautiful teeth in a fun way. After a short presentation of the tooth fairy and a dentist friend, who will conjure up a healthy and shiny smile on the children's mouths, they will have fun, creations and nice prizes. This day only, Philips Sonicare and Philips Airfloss toothbrushes will be available exclusively at Big Bang Mega in BTC Ljubljana with a 20 % discount!
Are you wondering what are the most popular Android mobile games of all time? Do you spend time with any of them yourself? Among them was the mobile game My Talking Tom by Slovenian developers, and you will find out how high it climbed below. The online portal App Annie dug into the numbers and found the following in the endless range of Android games in the Google Play online store...
Getting rid of bad money habits is by no means a cat's cough. Regardless of whether they are the result of upbringing, lack of knowledge or a symptom of a stressful period, they usually bring a lot of unrest and uncertainty into an individual's life. And they often undermine even firm decisions about savings and moderate, rational shopping. While knowing your bad money habits won't make your temptation any easier, acknowledging and understanding the problem is the first step to overcoming it.

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