The mobile game Pokemon GO has become a worldwide phenomenon. It seems like the whole world is hunting Pokemon with their smartphones these days. The app is incredibly popular and Nintendo has a hand in it. But he is not the only one. The Pokemon GO wave of popularity has also been ridden by many other companies that have smelled an opportunity to make money, and there are also many enterprising individuals riding the Pokemon GO wave who are cashing in on the Pokemon GO craze in a very imaginative way.
Mercator opened the renovated Mercator Šiška store in Ljubljana, which is one of the most modern stores in the region. Customers will thus enjoy more fun, uniqueness and an interactive shopping experience. Everything from the bakery to the butcher, to the patisserie and sushi bar, everywhere you can observe and see the preparation of food. From the first day of opening, there will also be a big raffle, surprises, tastings and promotions.
The mobile game Pokemon Go is taking the world by storm. Pokemon mania has taken over most of the world, and if you are among the avid Pokemon hunters, then you must equip yourself with accessories created specifically for Pokemon GO. And what are these gadgets that were created only because of the Pokemon GO mobile game, and without which you will be just another Pokemon trainer? We present them below.
The whole world is playing Pokemon GO, not just you! Niantic's mobile game of pandemic proportions (made in collaboration with Nintendo, the father of Pokemon), based on virtual reality, instantly drove the world crazy and even the biggest geeks out of their "darknesses"! Slovenia is not yet among the countries where Pokemon GO is available, but given that no one is immune to the game and that some in the USA and Australia are so obsessed that they no longer know how to distinguish between reality and virtuality, it won't be long before the developers delayed the outcome elsewhere.
Finally, the vacation time has come, when we will have time to jump into the refreshing sea. But traveling to beautiful beaches can be quite tiring in the summer heat. Time especially drags on us when we are stuck in a traffic jam, which unfortunately is not such a rare occurrence in the peak of the season. But don't worry: we have prepared great ideas for you to turn boredom into fun. Find out which apps will save you time when you're stuck in traffic.
Check out the best mobile apps of 2016. Smartphones without apps are like soup without salt. But if you add too many, it's not right again. Since it is difficult to choose in the flood of offers (applications grow like mushrooms after the rain and each one is considered the best) and everything seems tempting, we usually have a bunch of applications on our phone that we either do not need or are not the best choice. That's why we dug into the offer and selected those worthy of your space and memory on the phone or tablets. We present the best apps of 2016 as chosen by the editors.
The research showed that as many as 28 million people cheat on their partner by watching the TV series, and many of them also "criticize" that they have not seen the work yet. To help couples stay loyal to each other when it comes to watching episodes together, British ice cream brand Cornetto has created high-tech Commitment Rings that block access to TV series unless partners watch them together. It promotes them with the slogan "Love should last longer than one season".
How are smartphones changing us? There are seven billion people in the world, and about six of them own a mobile phone, which is a surprising figure considering that only 4.5 billion people have access to a working toilet. A less surprising fact is that smartphones have a profound effect on our bodies and brains. If you are reading this news on your smartphone, your body position is as if an eight-year-old girl was sitting on your back! Check out other amazing facts about smartphones in relation to our lives.

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