Ticks are pests that belong to the group of arthropods from the order of acarinae. They are most abundant in spring and early summer, and can also be found in early autumn. If they are not removed from the individual's skin in time, they can cause serious diseases such as encephalitis or borreliosis. How you can protect yourself from negative consequences and how to remove the tick, we reveal to you in the article.
Oh, that sweat. Whether it's caused by high temperatures, physical activity, or both at the same time, no one likes to see and smell sweat on their clothes. That is why we have prepared 5 ways for you to stop sweating and cover it up - from special clothes to creams and wipes, we guarantee that you will find an option that will suit you.
Baked, boiled, stuffed, added to various dishes. Potatoes can be prepared in countless ways. It contains vitamins C, B6 and K, as well as the minerals potassium, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, manganese, copper, and is also rich in fiber and starch. It has fewer calories than bread, rice and pasta.
Most often on bananas, but often on other pieces of fruit as well, peel stickers are something that most people don't even look at, but instinctively remove before eating. Even if they are noticed, hardly anyone knows what these statements mean.

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