
Breakfast pizza is supposed to be healthier than cereal

Breakfast pizza is supposed to be healthier than cereal

We don't usually see the word 'pizza' in the same sentence as the word 'healthy', but this time it's different - pizza has been shown to be less harmful to human health than some types of cereal.

If nutritionists are to be believed, you will in case you are for breakfast they reached for a slice of pizza instead of cereal, done a favor!

Cereal flakes should generally contain large amounts of sugar, but at the same time they offer less proteins and healthy fats. It is supposed to be in a piece of pizza more fat, but also less sugar.

By merit higher protein content, which are found in pizza, are said to satisfy hunger more effectively in the morning with its help (and you will be full for a longer time) - otherwise, an average-sized piece of pizza contains about the same calories like a cup of cereal with milk.

A slice of pizza for breakfast? Why not!
A slice of pizza for breakfast? Why not!

At the same time, it should be noted that we should not throw all the flakes in the same basket. Some types of these will prove to be a better choice than pizza. This is especially true when we talk about flakes, made from natural ingredients and mixed with milk of plant origin, which has no added sugar.

With this article, we certainly do not want to convince you to indulge in pizza several times in the morning, but rather that not all flakes are as healthy as you might have thought. You can also choose among many other options, which will help to a healthy start to the day.

Cereals with fruit without added sugar are an excellent choice for breakfast.
Cereals with fruit without added sugar are an excellent choice for breakfast.

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