
Pollen allergy: how to relieve hay fever symptoms

Spring allergies

Photo: envato

Spring is coming, and in addition to beautiful flowers and warm days, health problems have also come with it. There is more and more pollen and other allergens in the air, which cause various discomforts. If you don't have any serious problems, experts say that you can alleviate the symptoms of spring allergies in various ways, even before they appear.

While you can't completely avoid allergens during the blooming season, they do exist precautions, which you can take to reduce allergic reactions.

  1. If possible, try to get some fresh air when the pollen count is high in the air the smallest.
  2. At driving a car close all windows, vents and use air conditioning.
  3. Clean the apartment daily, as many allergens accumulate on furniture and floors.
Photo: envato

Alleviating spring allergy symptoms

Here are some ways to reduce your histamine response when exposed to various allergens.

Food triggers, such as dairy products, gluten, sugar, artificial sweeteners and preservatives, can lead to increased inflammation in the nasal and respiratory tracts, resulting in worse allergy symptoms, so it is a good idea to avoid such foods in the coming months.

Apple cider vinegar helps break up mucus in the body and allows for easier breathing. Try diluting 1 to 2 tablespoons in a glass of water or lemon juice and drink it once a day.

Although they are recognized for regulating gut bacteria, it has been shown that probiotics they support the immune system, which is also responsible for the allergic response to many triggers found in the environment.

Rinsing the nose with physiological solution allows the accumulated mucus to be cleared from the nose. The nose must remain clean, as various particles from the environment accumulate in it, which irritates the mucous membrane.

Photo: envato

In the last two years, we have adopted the use of virus protection surgical masks, which can also be a protection against allergens that appear in nature in the spring. So if you know which flowers, grasses and trees are the most harmful to you, don't hesitate to put on a mask when you go out into nature.

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