
Recipe: Delicious baked chompa - a new generation of Gorenje kitchen appliances & chef Bine Volčič

Gorenje ovens are like little factories of miracles. With their new generation of kitchen appliances with a step-by-step baking function and chef Binet Volčič, this time they prepared a delicious baked chompa for us. To top it all off, a prize game will be held in the coming days, where the correct answer to the prize question can win us a one-month online cooking course on chef Binet Volčič's cooking portal.

Healthy and tasty dishes do not depend only on the operation of the oven. Our commitment, knowledge and time are also important. At Gorenje, they decided that they wanted to enable users to bake as simply as possible with excellent results, so they converted the complex processes of baking food into simple programs. In their 60 years of in-depth research in the world of baking and cooking and unique culinary pleasures, they found a solution in to the new generation of Gorenje kitchen appliances, presented for us by a renowned chef Bine Volčič.

Both Gorenje and Bine Volčič maintain high quality, satisfied users and the use of advanced technologies.
Both Gorenje and Bine Volčič maintain high quality, satisfied users and the use of advanced technologies.

What is step baking?

The first advantage we present today is the so-called step by step baking or Step by Step. In the program, users can thus predetermine several consecutive steps of the baking process and so on we turn the preparation of even the most demanding dishes into a completely simple one. Many dishes require a temperature change during baking. This method of use will also come in handy when baking bread, chicken or lasagna.

Gorenje oven - step-by-step baking
Gorenje oven - step-by-step baking

Binet Volčič and I prepared this time with the help of the step-by-step baking function delicious baked chompo.

Ingredients for preparing baked chompa (for 4 people):

  • 4 large starchy potatoes
  • 200 g coarse sea salt
  • 200 g of sour cream
  • 100 g of Emmental cheese
  • a bunch of fresh parsley
  • pepper
  • 6 slices of Hamburg bacon
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 spring onion with greens

1. Lower and upper heater with fan, 200°C, 60 minutes
2. Lower and upper heater, 140°C, 40 minutes

Wash the potatoes well. Sprinkle coarse salt into an ovenproof dish or baking pan, place the potatoes one next to the other and place in the preheated oven on the 3rd level. We bake in two steps, which is made possible by the Gorenje oven. Meanwhile, mix sour cream, grated cheese and finely chopped parsley together in a bowl. Season with a little pepper. Slices of bacon are cut into small pieces and fried in a pan until they become crispy. When the potato is baked, cut it on top and spread it out and put a spoonful of sour cream and cheese, pieces of finely chopped tomato and spring onion on top, and sprinkle crispy bacon on top.

Delicious baked chompa according to Binet Volčič's recipe
Delicious baked chompa according to Binet Volčič's recipe

In the coming days, don't forget to answer a simple question and participate in prize game for a one-month cooking course on the cooking portal chef Binet Volčič.

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More information about Gorenje step-by-step baking ovens: 

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