
Recipe: A great no-bake chocolate chestnut cake

No-bake chocolate chestnut cake is completely simple to prepare and so delicious that it will be on your plate every autumn. Try the recipe!

Do you love chestnuts and chocolate? Then you will find the ideal combination of flavors in this delicious homemade no-bake chocolate chestnut cakes.

A no-bake chocolate chestnut cake recipe

Ingredients for Chocolate Chestnut Cake:

For the chocolate chestnut cake filling you need:

  •  1 kg of chestnuts
  • 150 g of edible or dark chocolate
  • 3 tablespoons of rum
  • 200 ml of sweet cream

For the chocolate chestnut cake topping you need:

  • 100 g edible or dark chocolate
  • a spoonful of butter
This is what a homemade chocolate chestnut cake looks like without baking
This is what a homemade chocolate chestnut cake looks like without baking.

The process of making a chocolate chestnut cake without baking:

Preparation of the chestnut cake filling:
Peel the chestnuts, including the inner shell, and boil in water until they soften, which takes about half an hour. Then heat the cream almost to boiling point and melt 150 g of edible or dark chocolate in it. Add another 3 tablespoons of rum, which goes wonderfully with chestnuts and chocolate. Mix the mass together with the chestnuts, obtaining a texture similar to a thin puree. Don't worry, the mass will harden later. Line the cake mold with aluminum foil and pour the resulting mixture into it. Place the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours or in the freezer for less time. So much that it hardens.

READ MORE: Recipe for homemade chestnut jam

Preparation of chestnut cake topping:
When the cake hardens, melt 100 g of chocolate and a tablespoon of butter in a water bath. Pour the topping over the cake when it is slightly cooled, i.e. lukewarm and not hot. Place back in the refrigerator and serve when the topping on the cake has cooled. Decorate as desired. Let me know how you did. Bon Appetit!

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