
Remember these tips when you feel like life isn't unfair

The secret of happiness - be optimistic

Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Optimism is contagious, and if nothing else, the optimistic belief can be chosen by yourself, with free will. Although you may not have chosen the change that is happening to you, you do have the ability and power to choose the emotions, feelings and responses that arise.

Looking at things from a positive angle reduces the fear of change as you focus on the positive outcome. And if you emphasize positive thoughts, the brain gets used to them and you become a more optimistic person.

Read the thoughts written below when you feel that negative energy surrounds you. You will start thinking more positively and you will not lose hope.

1. Sometimes you have to talk to a four-year-old and an 84-year-old, yes again you understand life.

2. Whatever you do, never go back to who you were broke.

3. When you feel like you have nothing to be thankful for, check yours beat.

4. Remember that the current state is not the end goal. The best is yet to come.

5. When life is sweet, give thanks and celebrate. When life is bitter, thank you and learn.

6. Bad things that happen to us in life sometimes set us on the path that will lead us to the best things, which will happen in our lives.

7. Every day is a new opportunity, yes change it your life.

Never give up. photo: Allef Vinicius / Unspalsh

8. Find something every day positive, even on those days when you have to look a little further.

9. Life doesn't have to be perfect to be nice.

10. The worst thing that happens to you in life will teach you to never take the best angle taken for granted.

The following 5 tips should always be your guiding thread when you feel that life is not fair.

1. Withdrawal should not be an option

Everyone has a difficult time in their life - it's inevitable. In such moments, imagine how empty life would be if there were no challenges in it. Without problems, we would never grow up and learn. Then we would not live, but merely exist - with a constant feeling of boredom and stagnation. Obstacles bring us to life, encourage us to change and break down walls, without which we would fall into the trap of comfort and complacency. Right now, you may feel like life isn't fair, but that doesn't mean it always will be. No matter what, keep looking at the sun and eventually the shadows will be left behind.

2. Open your heart and accept the changes

We often complicate our lives because we are afraid of change. However, changes are necessary, they make us cautious, they help us grow, we constantly develop and learn important lessons thanks to them. Changes are often not easy and pleasant, but that is exactly their meaning and value. The best things in life actually happen when we come to a crossroads, when everything seems bleak, and when we can't imagine it getting any better. When you think you've reached the end and can't take it anymore, that despair actually shows you which way to go next. Everything good in life never comes easily, but precisely because it does not fall from the sky, it gives us so much happiness and satisfaction.

Life is yours! Photo: Logan Weaver / Unspalsh

3. Always remember that you have a choice

You have the power to control your life at every moment. No outside force decides what job you do, where you live, or how you behave. Everything is in your hands, so instead of fearing or denying this responsibility, embrace it. Remember, when you feel broken, it means you need to make better decisions, so give yourself a chance to be that way. You deserve to be happy, but sometimes it takes time to find that happiness.

4. Remember that pain doesn't last forever

If pain lasted forever, we wouldn't even know what happiness is. We need to know the feeling of sadness and pain in order to feel happiness. Face these negative, bad and often unpleasant feelings and allow them to simply flow out of you. The longer you resist them, the longer they will live in you. Embrace the pain and thank it for teaching you valuable lessons. Pain can be a valuable teacher if you accept it instead of judging it and wishing it would go away.

5. Focus on all that is good in life

Often when we feel broken we only focus on the bad in life instead of the good. If you only focus on the bad, you will attract only the bad. Many studies have shown that people who are grateful have better relationships with others, are in better health, and are more optimistic.

So, be positive!

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