
Renault Scenic Vision: no more Scenic as we knew it until now

Renault Scenic Vision; Photo: en.media.renaultgroup.com

The Renault Scenic, as we knew it until now, has said its last goodbye. But that's okay, because before us is the futuristic Renault Scenic Vision study, which indicates the future of the new Scenic.

Renault Scenic as we knew it until now is the past, but the future of the model will be completely different. A futuristic study Renault Scenic Vision namely, it indicates that the Scenic will no longer be a smaller MPV and will become one a crossbreed. Since it is an electric concept, it is of course powered by electricity, and an internal combustion engine is thus not foreseen in the future. It will also have a range extender, but it will be of a different nature than what we have been used to until now.

The futuristic concept is powered by an electric motor 215 horsepower, which also powers the Megane E-Tech model. There is also a capacity battery from the same model 40 kWh. The study also has a built-in fuel cell with power 16 kW, which charges the battery while driving and thus extends the range of the car. With this, Renault ensured that the Concept Scenic with a smaller and lighter battery can travel the same distance as it would with a larger battery.

Renault Scenic Vision; Photo: en.media.renaultgroup.com

The Renault Scenic Vision does weigh 1,700 kilograms, which is more than the Megane E-Tech. Quite understandable, considering that the concept is almost 30 cm longer, 13 cm wider and has a 15 cm longer wheelbase. The production model of the Scenic arrives in 2024, and it will share the electric platform with the already mentioned Megan E-Tech and Nissan Ariyo. At Renault, they are of the opinion that the fuel cell has a future, and users will be able to drive up to 800 kilometers a long way, before it will be necessary to stop for a 5-minute refueling.

Renault Scenic Vision; Photo: en.media.renaultgroup.com

An interesting drivetrain and sharp lines are not all that define the Concept Scenic. The concept is extremely ecologically aware. More than 70% components are made from recycled material, and the entire car can be recycled in 95%, including the battery. Compared to current electric cars, the Scenic Vision has 75% smaller carbon footprint. In the futuristic cabin, you won't find leather, but upholstery made of recycled low-carbon polyester. A third of the plastic comes from renewable sources, and the black pigments in the paint are a by-product of car manufacturing. These particles were "trapped" and thus did not adversely affect the Earth's atmosphere.

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