
Restaurant Day 2016: a global culinary festival

Restaurant Day is a food festival that is voluntarily co-created by thousands of people around the world who both organize and visit one-day restaurants. The global event, held four times a year, encourages people to volunteer as amateur chefs to open their own restaurant, cafe, organize a picnic, etc. for a day.

Important information
Various locations in Slovenia
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Entry is free.

This time it will be held in Slovenia for the seventh time Restaurant Day, namely May 21, 2016. The global festival allows you to really clean everyone opens a restaurant, cafe, patisserie, etc., all he needs is motivation, a love of cooking and the fact that report the event on Map of the Restaurant Day website. Everyone tailors their own Restaurant Day or Restaurant Day.

READ MORE: Food Revolution Day 2016: what we eat and where our food comes from

Each time, more people gather, both those who "open" the restaurant and those on the other side, who are happy to try the culinary creations of amateur chefs. So far, three one-day "restaurants" are known, namely Restaurant Day with Ljubljana pot, Restaurant Day at REČI Library and Restaurant Day in Cerknica. We can expect some more restaurants to appear on the map, as most of them are marked a few days before the festival. Each restaurant has its own specialties, so every food lover can find something an event unto itself.

Info Box

More information:
ljubljanskilonec.si and restaurantday.org

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