
She was gorgeous, but these six things on her body Princess Diana simply hated

Photo: IG princessdianaa

While there are debates about what is fiction and what is real in The Crown series, we remembered the most beloved person in the British court - Princess Diana.

She was the most popular member of the royal family, she was the darling of the whole world. Lady Di was a girl in the public eye, a young and innocent girl who, through life at court, learned the cruelty of the world, the strict rules of the British royal family, and suffered through an unhappy marriage with a much older, less attractive and unfaithful Prince Charles. But people admired her not only for her humanitarian work, but also for her beauty and her fashion style. And yet she was also the most loved and the most beautiful princess full of insecurity and even self-destructive thoughts. She was iconic, but at the same time full of complexes.


She thought she was fat, probably because of one of Charles' lines to his young bride when he first put his arm around her waist: "Oh, have we gained a little weight?" These words hurt her, so on the eve of the wedding, 19-year-old Diana began to lose weight rapidly. When the court tailors began to sew her wedding dress, the waist measured 76 cm, and by the time of the wedding it had shrunk to 58 cm. One of the designers said that she was so thin that the bones were visible in her face.

After her marriage, she began to suffer from bulimia and struggled with it for another ten years. She later revealed that there were several "triggers" for bulimia. First of all, bad relations with her husband: in public they had to present a happy couple, although in reality there was neither peace nor harmony between them. In addition, her duty was to visit seriously ill people, which made her even more mentally exhausted. She never sought help – she was ashamed of her disorder and hated herself for bulimia.

Broad shoulders

The beautiful Diana believed that she was built like a swimmer and did not like her broad shoulders one bit. Fortunately, the fashion of the 1980s dictated padded shoulders, which the princess skillfully exploited. Her shoulders were no longer a problem, everyone thought she was just following the trend.

The nose

Her "big" nose was also talked about in the press. Diana tried to hide it with a hairstyle that covered a good part of her face, as well as with a special pose during the photo shoot. She bowed her head slightly, turned it slightly to the side and looked up. This became her recognizable angle of photography and recording.

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Bowing her head helped Princess Diana cope with another complex: she was ashamed of her height, 173 cm. Her height insecurity was fueled by the fact that her husband was the same height. Nevertheless, Diana appears smaller in the official portraits, which was a deliberate trick by the photographers. She would be placed in front of Prince Charles and had to wear flat heels - which made Prince Charles look taller and more imposing.

She had bad posture because of her height, which she saw as a problem. She kept bending over, bending her shoulders forward, and according to the doctor, the curvature of her spine, from which she suffered, contributed to this. She kept her head down even when talking to people. She wanted them to be comfortable and not get the impression that she was looking down on them.


Her personal trainer Carolan Brown revealed that Princess Diana found her stomach difficult after the birth of her sons and that she focused a lot of training on solving this "problem". Sports not only helped her physically, but also emotionally.

A voice

She also took public speaking classes because she felt she had the voice of a little girl and did not sound convincing enough during public speaking. Over time, she also began to suffer from depression - her marriage with Charles failed, he loved another, she had no support in the royal family, and everything on the outside had to be like a box. It wasn't until Prince Charles spoke publicly about his relationship with Camilla that Diana admitted how difficult those years had been for her and how she suffered from depression. But she regained her strength, gradually getting rid of insecurity, anxiety and even bulimia.

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