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Short foreplay, bad breath or untidiness? Women discover what turns them off sexually

Too fast? Too cold? Too absent? What turns women off the most in bed? If nothing comes to mind, you may be inspired by the following results of a survey of more than 3,000 women.

Men can do a lot of things right in bed. When women are touched very gently and sensitively on certain parts of their bodies, when they are open to experimentation and when they reach the right time, women are usually already satisfied. However, on the other hand, with one bad move, they can destroy all the passion and mood in an instant. And what are the "most effective bad moves", the users of the British portal revealed in the survey Dailystar.

The specific question that Dailystar asked its users was: "Dear ladies, what turns you off the most during sex?" The portal offered them several possible answers:

• unshaven pubic hair

• bad breath

• poor hygiene

• not enough foreplay

• looks at a mobile phone during sex


And, do you have any idea what turns women off the most?

3,300 women took part in an anonymous survey - and the result was clear: she is in first place lack of hygiene, that is, if the partner has an unpleasant smell, has unwashed, smelly feet or dirt under the nails, this destroys any passion in its essence. They are in second and third place foreplay too short (24 percent) and bad breath (23 percent).

Phone and pubic hair are OK

If a partner starts using a mobile phone during a love game, only 10 percent of the women surveyed will throw it out of the game, and only eight percent swear by a man's shaved crotch.

Good news: there is a simple but very effective remedy for the number one "passion killer" - a shared shower! And once you're there, you can avoid number two...


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