
#ostanemdoma = civic duty + saving lives / dead in Slovenia can be over 1000

It is your civic duty these days to protect yourself and your loved ones and to be, please, socially responsible! To stay at home and not be egotistical. To meet the country's expectations and thus save lives! By doing so, you are not only saving lives, but also the way our society will live in the future. You are helping Slovenia with your responsibility! You build the future with your responsibility.

I rarely feel it civic sentiments. I think that is the case with most citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. But every now and then we are united by common successes, victories of our athletes. And then it did I feel part of the community, then I feel pride for this small nation. That's when I know we're something special!

These days, when on the horizon many of us see tsunamis, when experts and virologists they clearly predict what us waiting in the next few days, When the water recedes, and the birds they advertise louder and louder I flinch with quantity egoism, which is seen on Slovenian streets. I wince at indifference of individuals, I wince at lack of empathy. I cringe at all human ignorance, which seems to have no limits these days.
I also blame the Slovenian media for this, who unfortunately report extremely soft and in this way they create a somewhat false impression about seriousness situations. On a daily basis they avoid communicating key numbers, or they hide them in the mass of data. With that they generalize the problem of SARS-CoV-2 viral infection. It is necessary to clearly say what to say, shout!

As I write these lines, more than 200 people die in Italy every day. Additional on daily level officially sickand what 3,500 individuals. At minimum 490 the disease will be more difficult and they will need health care. This is the data for Italy. But Italy at the moment 21,157 patients needs 1058 fans for breathing or respirators that keep the sickest alive. He doesn't have those.

The real key to understanding of the disease COVID-19 is hiding right in 14 percent, which disease it's harder to get over and they need hospital care. And 5 percent will need these ventilators to help them breathe.

Research on the case of China - on the statistical course of the COVID 19 disease
Research on the case of China - on the statistical course of the COVID 19 disease

Slovenes will die in the next few days

Slovenia does not have a sufficient number of these respirators/ventilators for breathing or "artificial" lungs. They will run out already this coming Thursday

Yesterday we left @vladers get information that there will be tests for COVID-19 kept only for those, that will hospitalized and will be included in the system medical treatment. So hospitalized. Of course, the tests must be done to save for medical staff, which will have to be tested practically every day. This is shown by many examples from abroad. Germans are like that yesterday sent a third of their doctors into self-isolation with a view to being able to in the future replaced those in the front rows. Most of those who will work with patients will do so before going home tested every day. In the morning, they will find out if they can come to work again. They will find out whether they are positive for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Tests for everything, so also the capacity for testing, it's just not enough! This is also why we cannot follow suit South Korea, which is one of the best medically developed countries in the world and tested an extremely large number of individuals, thereby successfully controlling the outbreak.

Basic mathematics of ventilation fans or respirators and numbers in Slovenia

Simple mathematical forecast for Slovenia - COVID 19
A simple mathematical forecast for Slovenia - COVID 19

So if we know basic mathematics and we estimate optimisticallythat the number of infected every day multiply by a factor of 1.4, we can estimate that a minimum of 200 patients will be hospitalized within 7 days COVID-19. Of these 200 patients, a third will need ventilators/respirators. So we will need somewhere at the end of next week 60 respirators for patients with COVID-19. We only have honey at our disposal 20 and 30. These are the current free capacities (out of 168 respirators in the country, some 20 to 30 are free, according to estimates). The latter, if we take into account the current increase in the number of patients, will be sent this Thursday (March 19, 2020). Then the number will be the number of deaths increased drastically. Slovenes will die!

A Slovenian woman informs her relatives in her homeland about the current situation or the spread of the new coronavirus. She got sick herself and is in self-isolation or home quarantine. The video may shock you. But that's right!

If not #ostanemdoma = I kill!

The call to stay at home is completely understated. Namely, no one is aware of ityes it is mathematics on the side of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. That everything has already happened! That nothing can be changed! Even if today completely let's stop the country and every citizen stays at home, the level of infected will increase in the next 10 to 14 days exponentially before she reaches the top and only then began to calm down. So, too if we stop the country today, the situation with the coronavirus follows 14 days will not change. Moreover, it will only deteriorate exponentially. They will be dead! We must not close our eyes here. The only thing you can do is yes #ostanemdoma and that's how you contribute to society!

Tonight, Slovenia will come to a complete standstill

According to media reports Zurnal24.si, 24ur.com and RTVSLO ... it is RS government already accepted drastic measures to control the epidemic of the new coronavirus SARS CoV 2.

Thus, starting Monday, public passenger traffic will be temporarily suspended, and inspections of the implementation of preventive measures in shops will also take place. A ban on the operation of bars is also expected. Janša explained on Twitter that Slovenia is closing or limiting all non-essential services until further notice. The measures enter into force as soon as possible, or as soon as the competent ministries technically prepare and publish the regulations. They ask everyone to understand and follow the measures.

The experts also warn loudly!

"The virus is here among us. We should not be bewitched by the numbers from the press conferences, these are only those infected who have been tested for special attention. In reality, there are five to ten times more infected. If we do not maintain social distance with other people, we do not contribute to containing the infection. We can never be completely sure that we ourselves are not infected. By following the rules of hygiene and distance from other people, we also prevent infecting someone we really don't want to. Let's say one of our relatives is elderly or has a chronic disease. We will be able to live with this for quite some time and I hope that we will be a country that will successfully stop this epidemic". – Immunologist Alojz Ihan for Val 202

Get ready, the crisis will last between 6 to 12 weeks

According to opinion epidemiologists, virologists and immunologists the crisis will last minimum 6 weeks. Life should be back to normal within 12 weeks. It will return to "normal". gradually by softening the measures. The end we will find each other in the summer in some other realities. But it depends on us what it will be like. Basically, it depends on you!

Do your civic duty! #ostanemdoma

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