
Stop self-destructive behavior if you find yourself in a difficult situation!

Photo: envato

We've all been through periods when it felt like everything was simply too much. This can happen due to painful, unwanted situations, stressful events and the feeling that we are at a crossroads in life. At that time, it may happen that we try to silence our pain through unhealthy ways of behaving, which in the long run make the situation even worse. That is why we have prepared 5 tips for you to deal with a difficult period of life in a healthy way.

1. Pay attention to your feelings

Ours the body sends us daily very important messages, which we must not to ignore.
You should know that they will be yours feelings always come to plan and that they will more intense, if you try them at first to bury. Therefore, with sadness, anxiety and pain face it: there is nothing in these emotions shameful, that's why you have them allow yourself to feel. It helps some to they cry or they shout, and others process them in silence or at creation.

It's important to allow yourself to feel Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

2. Express your feelings

The quickest way to deal with unhealthy behaviors is if they occur during the day you're pretending, that he is in your life all right. Therefore, it is important that your feelings you trust to the people closest to you or to an expert. If you don't think you're ready for it, give them a try write in the diary.
When we are in our grief themselves, we can quickly get the feeling that there is no solution or that the pain is too great, to face it. But when it comes to feelings let's talk with someone else, this is how we change our opinion: it becomes clear to us that any situation can change turns for the better and that we have people who will be for us stood by.

3. Do not act impulsively

If you're prone to unhealthy ways of dealing with pain, then it's important to compose plan, how to act when you meet with negative thoughts. It varies from individual to individual differs, one of the examples is that when you want to reach for alcohol or other unhealthy options you call friend, watch a favorite, soothing series, for some time you lie down with relaxing music etc.
One of the ways to prevent unhealthy behavior is to be yourself you command, that you will not accept until the next morning no decisions and that only then will you determine how to act.

It helps many people to confide their pain to their loved ones. Photo: Alena Shekhovtcova / Pexels

4. Don't put yourself in dangerous situations

You will engage in unhealthy behaviors resisted much easier if you don't have it options. If you are inclined to excessive drinking, then alcohol don't buy and instead of going to a bar with friends, you meet in nature or cafes. The same is true if your way of dealing with pain overeating with unhealthy food: in this case, make sure that there are no such foods in your pantry or try to find a way to break this habit replaced.

5. Find a healthy way to deal with pain

Toxic behaviors are usually thought to raise levels in our bodies dopamine and others happy hormones. That's why it's important to find activity, which will achieve this without destroying your body. It can be dealing with sports, creativity, socializing with loved ones, viewing favorites series or movie….

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