
Such children grow up to be mentally strong people: 5 things that parents should avoid

If you want your children to grow into mentally strong people one day, try to avoid these five things. And remember: there are no perfect scares!

The goal and desire of every parent is for their child to grow up in confident and mentally strong person. Of course, parenting is far from simple and there is no single recipe for it, because then everyone would be happy and stable adults. While we can't guarantee that your child will one day be everything you want, we have you covered 5 things you should never do if you want to give him the best conditions to develop into a strong individual.

1. Don't let him be the victim

If your child fails at something, gets a bad grade, or gets kicked out of choir because he can't sing well enough, that doesn't mean he's a victim. Rejections, failures and unfairness are a normal part of life. Therefore, instead of raising your children from a young age with the mentality that they are poor and wronged, in such events, they prefer encourage in the sense that it is not the end of the world and that he should try to find something else, something that suits him better. Or tell him that he will have to study harder to get a higher grade. So teach children to look positively at a negative situation, which will be of great benefit to them in the future.

2. Don't spoil him too much

When you have a child, of course the whole world revolves around him and you want to give him as much as possible. But sometimes you can overdo it and give him more than he needs. Especially if he is an only child, the child can quickly become spoiled and get used to you paying attention to him all the time. Such a child may grow up to be lofty and even in society expect everything to revolve around him all the time, so try to make sure that he remains realistic and realizes that not everything in life will be served to him on a silver platter.

The child must learn that not everything revolves around him.
The child must learn that not everything revolves around him.

3. Don't expect perfection

Although you want your child to be the best at everything they do and to be above average among their peers, this often won't be the case, so don't always expect it from them. Positive encouragement and the fact that the child sees that you believe in him are of course necessary, but nevertheless he don't make him feel like he has to succeed in order to please you. Also, don't pressure them if you see that they are not good at something and don't like doing it. Rather, help them find what they are good at and encourage them to do so.

4. Teach him responsibility

Most of the things you do today, your children will have to do one day. And although it is good that children have a childhood and that they do not yet have to worry about everything that you have to, it is nevertheless necessary as soon as possible to learn responsibility and the fulfillment of tasks, as this will benefit him in the future. Therefore, occasional housework and following your instructions will not harm him at all. Also, even as a child, he must realize that his actions bring consequences and that he alone is responsible for them.

Occasional housework will not harm him at all.
Occasional housework will not harm him at all.

5. Do not confuse discipline with punishment

The purpose of punishment is to make the child suffer for his mistake, and the purpose of discipline is to learn something from your mistake. Therefore, it is imperative that you, as a parent, do not confuse these two concepts. When your child does something wrong and you want to punish him for it, make sure it is him the punishment is more disciplinary than just painful. Your goal is for the child to make better decisions in the future, not for him to suffer unnecessarily, but in the end, he will not get anything out of it.

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