
Swatch BAU: the legendary watch in the Bauhaus design style

Swatch BAU

We all had it and we were all in love with its design. It's yours again for only 65 euros!

Swatch BAU collection was created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the wildly influential "institute" or Bauhaus academy. The Bau Swatch collection thus covers 25 manual watches that range in style from obscured, almost monotone designs to colorful artistically inspired creations. There are several sizes available and of course the functionality of the models, but they all have one thing in common: exceptional The DNA of Swatch watches. Remember yours the first Swatch watches?! Your next one can be on your wrist from 65 euros further.

Bauhaus is a group of the most avant-garde and socialist artists in the role of students and teachers who lived in coexistence, campus in the same place and created masterpieces. They all lived in the community and had their own residences, and whenever a student needed a teacher during the day, he was available. This almost idealistic philosophy has not been repeated by any school to date. It is a good representation of art as a perfect coexistence between professors and students. The Bauhaus school started operating only a year after the end of the First World War, namely in 1919. Its activity ended in 1933, which means that it was most active precisely during two historically important wars.

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