"Just because I carry my load well doesn't mean it isn't hard!"
partnership relations
"It is better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all." – Alfred Tennyson
"For the first time in my life, I found something that I can truly love. I found you.” - Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre
Passion and sexual energy between partners dry up after a while, that's a fact. And that's why it's even more important that couples know how to keep the spark over the years. These are scientifically proven tricks that will make your relationship not only long, but also HOT!
"You can search all over the universe for someone who deserves your love and affection more than yourself, but you will not find such a person. You alone deserve your love and affection, more than anyone else in the entire universe." – Buddha
"Someone will love you the way you deserve. And every touch, every kiss, every word that will leave his lips will show you what you have been missing in your life until now."
People in the most loving and long-lasting relationships master these 5 things better than anyone else.
Don't act like you're committed to her when you know she's only in your life to fill a void. Don't lie to her and tell her she's the one if you know it's all just a game. If she's not your first choice, please turn around and let her go! If you don't love her completely, let her go. If you're happier when she's not around, let her go. If you prefer talking to other women, let her.
"You love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing the imperfect person as perfect." – Sam Keen
The truth is, you outgrow those who don't appreciate you. Those who don't mind your absence. The ones who allow an ever-increasing distance between you and him. You outgrow those who make you feel expendable.
"And finally I realized. I didn't ask too much, I just asked the wrong person.” - Unknown author
The feeling of having the RIGHT person next to you is really hard to describe in words...