
You don't deserve cold love, you deserve magic

Photo: Jonatan Borba / Unsplash

"I love you, but not only because you are who you are, but also because of who I am when I'm with you." – Roy Croft

You deserve long, heartfelt messages, which can't be sent to you by anyone because they contain a part of you, not a short, occasional, tailless, headless one. You deserve the ones that describe your details that others don't notice, maybe you don't even notice them, but he/she does.

You deserve words that warm your soul when you're cold and give you strength when you're down. You deserve words that make you smile every day and those that remind you of your worth. The ones that make you know how loved you are and the ones that make you believe in love.

You don't deserve casual dating. You deserve long conversations about what's on your mind. Someone who would like to travel the world with you. A love that soothes your heart and mind.

You deserve a love that doesn't leave you guessing or questioning, a love that doesn't leave you in doubt as to whether the person will leave you. You deserve to go to sleep every night with the belief that you are the only person for him/her, that you are the only one and always will be. The person who will never replace you, because you are not the part that changes, but the love of her life. You deserve a love that keeps you awake because it's so magical and passionate.

You don't deserve to be loved half-heartedly! You deserve to be loved with all your heart.

You deserve someone to share hugs, kisses - love with.
You deserve someone to share hugs, kisses - love with.

You don't deserve someone who isn't sure of their feelings. Someone who is confused and can't decide what to do or not to do or feel. Someone who thinks it's not the right time or that he's not ready for something serious.

You deserve someone who is willing to fight for you, who doesn't use meaningless excuses. You don't need someone who isn't your priority, who doesn't pay attention to you, or someone who is always too busy to make time for you.

You deserve to be someone's time, to be their treasure, a reason to believe in love. Be someone's reason to tear down all the walls they've built around themselves.

You deserve someone who will come back to you every day, someone who won't leave you when everything isn't perfect and sunny, someone who will love you through the storms, who will fight madly and fall in love with you. Someone who will love you more and more over time.

Someone who will make you realize that love can be magic!

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