In 2020, don't be with those who don't know how to say sorry and forgive.
partnership relations
This is great advice from couples who have been through a lot and are still happy. They will help you get through difficult times more easily.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a bit indecisive. I make mistakes out of control, it's hard to be with me. But if you can't be there for me when I'm at my worst, you certainly don't deserve me when I'm at my best." – Marilyn Monroe
Today, communication via SMS or other electronic communication tools is the most common way of conversation between couples, especially at the beginning of a relationship. How you do it, however, can reveal a lot about you.
It's hard to start over when you end a relationship with someone you really loved. You are grieving, but you convince those around you that you are fine and that you have already gotten over it. These actions of yours prove that the story is still not over for you.
For a strong woman, love is something sacred. When he loves, he loves fully, he knows no intermediate stage. Love is something really precious to her, something she can't give to everyone. She is dedicated and sticks to her principles. But sometimes he gets lost in love because he gives himself completely... to the point where he forgets himself and loses – himself.
Forbidden (or unattainable) fruits are the sweetest. And this rule is confirmed again and again in the kingdom of love. The feeling of being in love is even stronger when someone is unavailable. And why is that? Why do we want those people we can never have?
Being ready for a relationship means giving your time, emotions, energy, and yourself to someone else.
"I don't need flowers, don't throw money away! You better buy something for our home.”
Being in love stuns you so that despite all your will and experience, you can still be naive and foolishly in love.
Nobody is perfect. We've all done something stupid at some point that hurt another person. The easiest thing to do is to blame others for mistakes or find thousands of excuses just to avoid having to apologize.
They are hard to please, but the reason they are never satisfied comes from themselves, not from other people.