recipes Archives | City Magazine Fri, 29 Mar 2024 09:25:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Recipe: The trick to the best Rosemary Oven Baked Potatoes Fri, 29 Mar 2024 08:35:31 +0000

In the culinary world, there is an infinite number of recipes and techniques for preparing a wide variety of dishes. But few things are as universally appreciated as a well-prepared baked potato. This simple yet extremely delicious dish seems easy to make, but it takes a little more than potatoes and an oven to achieve perfection. In this article, we reveal to you the trick for the best baked potatoes, which will delight both lovers of traditional flavors and those looking for new culinary inspiration.

The post Recept: trik za najboljši pečen krompir v pečici z rožmarinom appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Vegan caponata pizza that doesn't require an oven Tue, 31 Jan 2023 05:06:51 +0000

Pizza is considered one of the greatest delicacies that we can have for lunch or dinner. If you try to resist it in your desire for a healthier way of eating and do so only with difficulty, don't worry: we have prepared a healthier, vegan caponata pizza for you. The pizza is bursting with vitamins, and you will need less than 1 hour to prepare it.

The post Recept: veganska pica caponata, za katero ne potrebujete pečice appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: America's most classic apple pie Sat, 07 Jan 2023 10:54:05 +0000

Classic apple pie is a classic dessert enjoyed by people all over the world. It is made with a crust and a filling of sliced apples, sugar and spices. There are many different versions of apple pie, but this recipe is for the classic American version.

The post Recept: najbolj klasična ameriška jabolčna pita appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: limoncello tiramisu Wed, 28 Dec 2022 05:03:25 +0000

If you are looking for the perfect dessert to impress your loved ones, then we suggest you take a look at Italian desserts, among which tiramisu is extremely popular. We have prepared for you its special version called limoncello tiramisu, in which the delicious taste is upgraded with the addition of limoncello.

The post Recept: limoncello tiramisu appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: carrot soup with ginger Wed, 30 Nov 2022 06:15:18 +0000

In the run-up to the holidays, when the days are getting cold in winter, many people feel best in the shelter of a warm home. There we can warm ourselves with hot chocolate, cocoa or warm, delicious soup. We have prepared for you a recipe for carrot soup with ginger - a very healthy meal that you can prepare in a completely simple way.

The post Recept: korenčkova juha z ingverjem appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: cherry pie Sun, 14 Aug 2022 04:04:46 +0000

Summer or winter: a delicious pie can delight our taste buds at any time of the year. Especially if it is a pie that contains the most delicious fruit for many: cherries.

The post Recept: češnjeva pita appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Red Spicy Margarita Sat, 13 Aug 2022 04:04:07 +0000

If you're chasing the last hot summer days with cold drinks, then we suggest you try a refreshing drink called a red margarita. Preparing a delicious, somewhat spicy cocktail is completely simple, and the drink is perfect for carefree summer evenings.

The post Recept: rdeča pikantna margarita appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: delicious bread with banana and mango Mon, 11 Jul 2022 04:03:43 +0000

You must have heard of banana bread: a healthy treat that you can prepare in a quick and easy way. There are several different recipes for this bread, but we have found a very special version for you: bread with banana and mango. You don't need many ingredients for it, and it will only take you half an hour to bake.

The post Recept: slasten kruh z banano in mangom appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: the best elderberry syrup according to grandma's recipe Mon, 30 May 2022 06:35:44 +0000

You are looking for a simple yet excellent recipe for the best elderberry syrup. We combed the internet and found it! This is a really easy recipe!

The post Recept: najboljši bezgov sirup po receptu stare mame appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipes: 3 light, simple and healthy spring dishes Tue, 03 May 2022 08:04:19 +0000

In the springtime, we like fresh, light food, rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. With regular physical activity and healthy, balanced meals, take care of the intake of energy that will banish spring fatigue. A healthy lifestyle will prepare your body for summer outdoor activities, and it will also take its toll on your immune system.

The post Recepti: 3 lahke, preproste in zdrave pomladne jedi appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: salad with roasted red onion and hazelnuts Mon, 28 Feb 2022 10:48:15 +0000

Onions are an indispensable ingredient in many dishes. Although it is often not seen in the dish, we immediately notice that something is missing if the dish is prepared without it. Red onion is the queen of this salad plate because of its red-purple color and milder, fuller flavor. If you are a fan of red onions, we have a great salad recipe for you that will delight you with its taste.

The post Recept: solata s pečeno rdečo čebulo in lešniki appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: delicious and easy "lasagna soup", which impressed Tik Tok Mon, 14 Feb 2022 06:19:16 +0000

Lasagna is considered a very popular lunch: not only is it very tasty, but it also fills us up well and fills us with energy. However, there are days when we just don't feel like preparing this dish - and then you can easily prepare a very special "lasagna soup" or lasagna-flavored soup instead. We have prepared for you a recipe for creamy lasagna soup, which has completely driven Tik Tok crazy.

The post Recept: slastna in enostavna “lazanja soup”, ki je navdušila Tik Tok appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: flourless orange cake Thu, 10 Feb 2022 05:59:28 +0000

Cake is one of the most popular desserts and it is because it can be made from practically any fruit. Therefore, you will find the perfect treat for yourself in this dish even if you are a citrus lover. We have found a recipe for a delicious cake with orange and almonds, for which you do not need flour, and its preparation is extremely simple.

The post Recept: pomarančna torta brez moke appeared first on City Magazine.

What are the traditional Christmas dinners around the world? Fri, 24 Dec 2021 08:33:50 +0000

Christmas customs around the world are different, but they all have one thing in common: food. The traditional Christmas dinner is part of every Christmas tradition, but as you will find out below, the table is not always covered with roast/poultry, walnuts, white bread and cabbage.

The post Kakšne so tradicionalne božične večerje po svetu? appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: An easy apple cinnamon roll that you won't be able to resist Thu, 02 Dec 2021 05:03:10 +0000

There are many choices for holiday desserts, and it is difficult for baking lovers to choose whether to surprise the closest with chocolate, fruit or caramel delights. When making a decision, you should not forget the classic combination of the flavors of apples and cinnamon: that's why we have prepared an easy recipe for a delicious apple roulade with cinnamon.

The post Recept: enostavna jabolčna rolada s cimetom, ki se ji ne boste mogli upreti appeared first on City Magazine.

5 ideas for breakfast if you want to gain muscle mass Fri, 18 Jun 2021 04:15:17 +0000

Breakfast is a very important meal. A good meal eaten in the morning helps control body weight, and eating protein accelerates body regeneration and stimulates muscle growth. So below we present you the 5 best protein-rich breakfasts recommended by some of the best personal trainers.

The post 5 idej za zajtrk, če želite pridobiti mišično maso appeared first on City Magazine.

The best elderberry recipes: refreshing drinks and dishes Fri, 11 Jun 2021 04:02:57 +0000

Se sprašujete, kateri so najboljši recepti z bezgom? Potem berite dalje! Za vas imamo vse - od hitrega in enostavnega bezgovega soka, lučk iz bezga in jagod, do bezgovega gin & tonica!

The post Najboljši recepti z bezgom: osvežujoče pijače in jedi appeared first on City Magazine.

5 delicious recipes that went viral on TikTok Sat, 20 Mar 2021 05:00:09 +0000

TikTok is a social network that has taken the world by storm in recent months and currently has more than a billion users. Although most people associate TikTok with dances and various challenges, many recipes have also become very popular thanks to this social network.

The post 5 slastnih receptov, ki so postali viralni na TikToku appeared first on City Magazine.

Gin and tonic tea: make a hot drink that rivals even the best cocktails Thu, 21 Jan 2021 05:00:39 +0000

If you're still not tired of experimenting with the flavors of this drink, try the gin and tonic tea, which would delight you.

The post Čaj gin in tonik: pripravi vroč napitek, ki tekmuje tudi z najboljšimi koktajli appeared first on City Magazine.

Detox drinks: simple and tasty detox drinks that help with weight loss Wed, 06 Jan 2021 05:00:01 +0000

If these tasty detox drinks or detox drinks are on our menu regularly, then they can really help with weight loss, boost our metabolism and help with digestion!

The post Detoks napitki: preprosti in okusni razstrupljevalni napitki, ki pomagajo pri izgubi teže appeared first on City Magazine.

5 cocktails that can be prepared during the holiday season Sat, 19 Dec 2020 05:00:31 +0000

With these festive cocktails you will enjoy the Christmas and New Year season, and another advantage of the cocktails is that they pair perfectly with traditional Christmas and New Year menus!

The post 5 koktajlov, ki jih lahko pripravimo v prazničnem času appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Persimmon Bride Thu, 17 Dec 2020 05:01:08 +0000

Are you already putting together your Christmas and New Year's menu? Don't forget that a good dessert is always the finishing touch.

The post Recept: kakijeva nevesta appeared first on City Magazine.

Spice up summer days: 3 great recipes for cocktails with spices Fri, 17 Jul 2020 10:59:31 +0000

Poletje je v polnem razmahu in večeri so več kot idealni za osvežujoč napitek na domači terasi. Ne glede na to, ali ste sami ali s prijatelji, v obeh primerih je čas, da začinite poletje z začimbami Spices & Drinks. Kotanyi ponuja brinove jagode, kardamom in rdeči poper, ki se odlično podajo h koktajlom iz gina in vodke ter jih naredijo okusne, sveže in drugačne.

The post Začinite poletne dni: 3 odlični recepti za koktajle z začimbami appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: refreshing lemon tiramisu is the ideal dessert for summer days Fri, 17 Jul 2020 04:01:57 +0000

Summer is calling for a refreshing dessert, so why not try a refreshing lemon tiramisu recipe?

The post Recept: osvežujoč limonin tiramisu je idealna sladica za poletne dni appeared first on City Magazine.

For sweet summer afternoons: baked peaches stuffed with cream cheese and caramel topping Wed, 15 Jul 2020 04:00:35 +0000

Baked peaches filled with cream cheese and caramel topping? Yes please! Believe me, they are as good as they sound.

The post Za sladke poletne popoldneve: pečene breskve, polnjene s sirovo kremo in karamelnim prelivom appeared first on City Magazine.

NEVER throw away leftover wine, rather use it that way: 5 great recipes with wine Sat, 09 May 2020 03:01:48 +0000

People sometimes really don't know how to handle food and their leftovers, and it's high time we changed that! So, for example, next time don't pour the leftover open wine down the toilet or the kitchen sink, but rather use it creatively! Here are 5 recipes where this leftover wine will come in handy!

The post Ostanke vina NIKOLI ne zlivaj stran, raje ga tako porabi: 5 odličnih receptov z vinom appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Vegan Easter potica, as good as traditional Tue, 07 Apr 2020 04:01:07 +0000

Despite the fact that Easter smells like ham and eggs, vegans can also come to their expense (but they will not be deprived of anything). Here's a vegan Easter treat that's just as good as it is traditional!

The post Recept: veganska velikonočna potica, dobra kot tradicionalna appeared first on City Magazine.

Dalgona coffee: people are obsessed with "wheat coffee". How do you prepare it? Sat, 04 Apr 2020 04:01:09 +0000

Each of us has a type of coffee that suits us best. Some swear by black with no additives, others add milk (cow or plant), and still others want nothing more than the latest barista-inspired coffee creation. The latest trend is "step coffee", also known as dalgona coffee.

The post Kava dalgona: ljudje so obsedeni s “stepeno kavo”. Kako jo pripraviš? appeared first on City Magazine.

Simple and very tasty: pancake cake with Nutella, rum and hazelnuts is the right recipe for the weekend! Fri, 27 Mar 2020 05:01:19 +0000

Nutella Rum Roasted Hazelnut Pancake Cake is the perfect recipe for this weekend! Who's baking?

The post Preprosto in zelo okusno: torta iz palačink z Nutello, rumom in lešniki je pravi recept za konec tedna! appeared first on City Magazine.

How to make homemade kvass: 4 recipes that will make the dough rise like crazy! Fri, 20 Mar 2020 05:01:43 +0000

Are you interested in how to make homemade kvass? Here are 4 recipes that will make the dough rise like crazy!

The post Kako narediš domači kvas: 4 recepti, s katerimi se bo testo dvignilo kot noro! appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: the best homemade poppies Tue, 17 Mar 2020 08:29:47 +0000

Do you love poppies? Here is a simple recipe for the best homemade poppy seeds that you can make yourself at home.

The post Recept: najboljše domače makovke appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: the best yogurt mice - you've never tried such delicious mice! Tue, 18 Feb 2020 05:01:12 +0000

Carnival season - carnival mice! And we have the recipe for the best yogurt mice that you will want to try again and again! These are really the best yogurt mice, which are also quick and easy to prepare. Have a good run!

The post Recept: najboljše jogurtove miške – tako slastnih mišk še niste pokusili! appeared first on City Magazine.

These Are the Best Mardi Gras Donuts: Recipes for Delicious Mardi Gras Donuts Tue, 14 Jan 2020 04:04:48 +0000

The best carnival donuts are in front of you, because recipes for delicious carnival donuts are waiting for you in one place! So sweet good run!

The post To so najboljši pustni krofi: recepti za slastne pustne krofe appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: super delicious chocolate cake with gin for a better mood Thu, 09 Jan 2020 11:59:52 +0000

Wow, what a combination! We guarantee that this delicious chocolate cake with gin will put you in a better mood.

The post Recept: superokusna čokoladna torta z ginom za boljše razpoloženje appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: This is the best apple crostata ever! Fri, 03 Jan 2020 05:01:04 +0000

This is the ultimate puff pastry apple crostata, a simple but sinfully good dessert that will have you hooked.

The post Recept: to je najboljša jabolčna krostata! appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas dinner a little different: recipes for a Christmas dinner to remember Mon, 23 Dec 2019 05:01:08 +0000

Christmas dinner is just around the corner! If you have no idea what to prepare for Christmas dinner, let our recipes help you for a slightly different Christmas dinner that you will really remember!

The post Božična večerja malo drugače: recepti za božično večerjo, ki si jo boste zapomnili appeared first on City Magazine.

Vin Brule: a mulled wine recipe that is a hit this season Fri, 20 Dec 2019 09:15:04 +0000

The Christmas holidays are just around the corner, you've almost certainly tried mulled wine this year. But have you tried Vin Brule, the mulled wine that is the hit of the season? We have the recipe and this is its secret!

The post Vin Brule: recept za kuhano vino, ki je hit te sezone appeared first on City Magazine.

Weekend sweetening: a no-bake Nutella cheesecake recipe! Thu, 12 Dec 2019 04:39:53 +0000

Quick, prepare this "izi" Nutella cheesecake, invite your friends and let's go sweet!

The post Vikend sladkanje: recept za Nutella cheesecake, ki ga ne rabiš peči! appeared first on City Magazine.

Christmas pastry: divine Christmas roulade with walnuts and without flour Fri, 06 Dec 2019 05:01:40 +0000

What kind of Christmas cake will you make this year? The recipe for Christmas roulade with walnuts and without flour is one of the reasons that this year's holidays will be unforgettable!

The post Božično pecivo: božanska božična rulada z orehi in brez moke appeared first on City Magazine.

The best recipe for mulled gin: treat yourself and your friends Thu, 21 Nov 2019 05:01:20 +0000

We have prepared the best recipe for boiled gin, with which the whole company will be spoiled!

The post Najboljši recept za kuhan gin: časti sebe in prijateljice appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Do you love Raffaela? Then you have to try this homemade coconut spread! Wed, 13 Nov 2019 05:01:58 +0000

If you are a fan of Raffaelo balls and sweet spreads, then you must try this homemade coconut spread, it is simply divine!

The post Recept: Obožuješ Raffaelo? Potem moraš poskusiti ta domač kokosov namaz! appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: the simplest, finger-licking creamy pumpkin soup Tue, 22 Oct 2019 04:01:18 +0000

The easiest Cream of Pumpkin Soup is made with the fresh pumpkin of your choice, full of flavor and the only pumpkin soup you'll make from now on!

The post Recept: najpreprostejša kremna bučna juha, po kateri si boš oblizoval prste appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: baked apples that will enchant you with their aroma and taste Wed, 09 Oct 2019 04:01:57 +0000

Baked apples are a true classic that cannot be resisted. There is practically no simpler dessert!

The post Recept: pečena jabolka, ki vas bodo očarala z aromo in okusom appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: sinful tiramisu with Nutella (Nutellamisu) Wed, 25 Sep 2019 07:41:14 +0000

How do we prepare tiramisu with Nutella or Nutellamisu? The recipe is very simple, but the flavors are DIVINE!

The post Recept: pregrešni tiramisu z Nutello (Nutellamisu) appeared first on City Magazine.

We've been eating apples wrong all our lives: we throw away the healthiest part! Mon, 23 Sep 2019 04:01:22 +0000

An apple a day keeps the doctor away - but only if we eat the whole thing, including the seeds.

The post Jabolka že celo življenje jemo napačno: zavržemo najbolj zdrav del! appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: no-bake chocolate coconut cubes with just 4 ingredients Wed, 18 Sep 2019 04:01:19 +0000

Chocolate coconut cubes are a great dessert for any occasion - they're easy to make and you only need 4 ingredients.

The post Recept: čokoladne kokosove kocke brez peke iz samo 4 sestavin appeared first on City Magazine.

Pancakes to remember: 2 ingredients that guarantee super creamy pleasure Thu, 01 Aug 2019 04:01:08 +0000

Treat yourself to super creamy pancakes that you will improve incredibly with these 2 ingredients!

The post Palačinke, ki se jih boš zapomnil: 2 sestavini, ki zagotavljata superkremasti užitek appeared first on City Magazine.

Smoothie cake without baking, eggs and milk: a tasty treat with few calories Sat, 27 Jul 2019 04:01:42 +0000

If you like smoothies, you will love this dessert - this is a delicious and low-calorie smoothie cake recipe.

The post Smuti torta brez pečenja, jajc in mleka: okusna poslastica z malo kalorijami appeared first on City Magazine.

Tiramisu cocktail: a cocktail that tastes like this divine dessert Wed, 17 Jul 2019 04:01:31 +0000

Tiramisu cocktail is a perfect variation of dessert that will pamper your taste buds.

The post Koktajl Tiramisu: koktajl, ki ima okus po tej božanski sladici appeared first on City Magazine.

A quick treat: a cake with white chocolate and strawberries without baking Sat, 06 Jul 2019 04:01:55 +0000

A no-bake white chocolate strawberry cake? Why not! Mmmm, we're already drooling, how about you?

The post Hitro pripravljena poslastica: torta z belo čokolado in jagodami brez pečenja appeared first on City Magazine.

Quick summer lunch ideas: top recipes with eggs Sun, 30 Jun 2019 04:01:48 +0000

Need ideas for a light summer lunch? Then these recipes with eggs are the right choice. Everyone knows how to make poached eggs, scrambled eggs and hard-boiled eggs. However, it is possible to prepare eggs in many different ways. Here we present selected recipes that will make you want to eat eggs every day. Just be careful not to exceed the recommended daily dose.

The post Ideje za hitro poletno kosilo: top recepti z jajci appeared first on City Magazine.

Perfect summer cocktails: ideal for you and your girlfriends Sat, 29 Jun 2019 04:01:57 +0000

Refreshment is not only the sea and swimming pools, refreshment is also a good cocktail that pampers our taste buds. And which 5 cocktails must you and your friends try this year?

The post Popolni poletni koktajli: idealni zate in za tvoje prijateljice appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: Easy No-Bake Lemon Cheesecake Mon, 24 Jun 2019 04:01:48 +0000

Need a simple dessert that you can make with minimal effort? Then try this creamy no-bake lemon cheesecake.

The post Recept: lahek limonin cheesecake brez peke appeared first on City Magazine.

Quick and easy: make elderberry juice with this recipe Sat, 22 Jun 2019 04:01:54 +0000

Elderberry juice is the perfect drink for summer days. How to prepare it as easily as possible?

The post Hitro in enostavno: pripravite bezgov sok s tem receptom appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: don't pour the rest of the wine away, so you can put it to good use! Wed, 19 Jun 2019 04:01:39 +0000

Got some wine left in the bottle? Do not pour it away. You can use the rest of the wine perfectly. We present you only a few suggestions.

The post Recept: ne zlivaj ostanek vina stran, tako ga lahko odlično porabiš! appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: delicious and quick cake with white chocolate and strawberries Sat, 08 Jun 2019 04:01:45 +0000

The cake with white chocolate and strawberries will be ready 1,2,3 ... but at the same time it is not baked. The biggest bonus? The cake is super delicious.

The post Recept: slastna in hitra torta z belo čokolado in jagodami appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: A light summer pizza full of vegetables Wed, 05 Jun 2019 04:01:49 +0000

Who could say NO to pizza? This time, we have prepared a recipe for a summer pizza full of vegetables, which you will not go wrong with.

The post Recept: lahka poletna pica, polna zelenjave appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: the best homemade fruit dumplings - like your grandmother would make them Fri, 24 May 2019 04:01:27 +0000

Are you interested in how to prepare the best homemade fruit dumplings, the kind that only our grandmothers know how to make? Then read on, where the recipe and the preparation process are waiting for you. Let the best homemade fruit dumplings you've ever eaten take you into summer!

The post Recept: najboljši domači sadni cmoki – kot bi jih naredila tvoja babica appeared first on City Magazine.

Recipe: French Silk Pie, a quick and easy dessert Tue, 16 Apr 2019 04:01:55 +0000

Today we present you a recipe for a rich French silk pie, which is a quick and easy dessert. Mmmm, we're drooling already...

The post Recept: francoska svilena pita, hitra in preprosta sladica appeared first on City Magazine.

3 low-calorie recipes for all those who love zucchini pasta Wed, 10 Apr 2019 04:01:53 +0000

Who says you have to give up pasta, which is high in calories, when you can make zucchini versions that are supposed to be much healthier and tastier? These low-calorie recipes will become your new vice.

The post 3 nizkokalorični recepti za vse tiste, ki obožujete testenine iz bučk appeared first on City Magazine.
