Because of the fear of offending or angering the people around us, we often say YES to them, even though we would prefer to shout NO out loud. In this way, we destroy ourselves, because we do things we don't want to do. If you would like to learn how to say NO without difficulty, these 6 tips will equip you with all the necessary knowledge.
Love sometimes hurts, and you will see for yourself if you blindly believe in fairy tales - these are the 3 most common illusions, which may cause absolutely every relationship to fail.
Since dating has moved online, we've returned to a similar way of choosing a partner as it was in the days of arranged marriages. He quickly misleads us into choosing our cupids based on their height, facial features and, above all, their references - where he studied, what books he reads and what promising job he has. However, this quickly leads to a trap: just because someone makes a good impression on paper, doesn't mean they're right for you. You can read why this is so in the article.
Nowadays it is taboo to show your anger. It is precisely because of the excessive suppression of anger that we occasionally encounter excessive outbursts of rage. Neither of these extremes is the right path. It is best for us and for those around us to know how to express our anger constructively. However, some will never change. If you encounter a person who has frequent tantrums at work or among colleagues, you can help yourself with the tips in this article on how to deal with people who are angry with you.
Sometimes the relationship ends suddenly. Just yesterday you were a happy couple, but today you are single and probably sad. But there's usually some sort of silent build-up going on under the surface that makes one or both partners realize that this relationship just isn't for them. And this is brutal stuff. Falling in love is wonderful, but falling out of love... And these are the 5 brutally honest stages that such couples face.
Female friendships are the most beautiful thing if they are genuine, sincere and real. If there is respect between you, such friendships are worth nurturing and investing your time and energy into. But when your friendships limit you, drain your energy, and you're often burdened by your female friends' problems, it's time to make a change.
A third of couples meet on social networks, and here are the online profiles of men who will turn your life into a nightmare.
Falling in love puts a smile on our face and brings immense happiness, but at the same time it instills in us the fear of rejection. Does my crush like me too?
Have you ever missed a train or a meeting? If not, you definitely have a friend or acquaintance who is always late - it's just in their nature. For some individuals, keeping pace and time management is simple and does not require a lot of energy, while for others it causes great difficulty. Inaccuracy is indeed undesirable in modern cultures, but it can show some good qualities. Let's say: people who are late are more successful.
The frontman of the famous band The Doors, Jim Morrison, once said: "Whoever controls the media controls our minds." And time and time again, he turns out to be right - especially in the area of relationships. Media portrayals of love have something in common. Whether it's unfulfilled, forbidden or extremely passionate love, the relationship is always spiced up with a concrete spoonful of drama. However, in real life, dramatic love affairs would be quite exhausting and somewhat less romantic.
Quite a bit of dust was raised by a video that the second largest smartphone manufacturer, Huawei, presented on its social networks. The new campaign video shows a girl engrossed in her smartphone. As we follow her through the day and watch her get into various situations as a result of her heavy use of her phone, we realize that she is simply missing her loved one.
You could write an encyclopedia on the reasons why men and women cheat, and you still wouldn't cover half of the reasons. Almost everyone has their own reason, accompanied by a long story to justify the reason and, of course, extreme moralizing to try to minimize their guilt. But science does not surrender so easily. In a recent study published in the Journal of Sex Research, they simplified everything.