
Test: Are you an intelligent consumer or a total spendthrift? And is this what is stopping you from becoming rich! Find out with our simple test!

What is your consumer IQ?!

inteligenten potrošnik
Photo: envato elements

An intelligent consumer is one who is responsible, prudent and aware in his purchasing decisions. His shopping habits are usually shaped by an awareness of the quality, value, sustainability, environmental impact and ethics of the product or service. Here is a simple test to find out if you are an intelligent consumer! And is this what is stopping you from becoming rich!

Intelligent consumer or total spendthrift? Answer the questions below and answer the very important question whether you will once rich! Namely unintelligent consumers they never get rich!

Photo: envato elements

Rate each statement from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).

  • I research before buying: Before buying a product or service, I always research the options, compare prices, read reviews and consult the opinions of experts.
  • I know my brands: I know the companies behind the products I buy and make decisions based on how well they align with my values.
  • I buy sustainably: I am aware of my impact on the environment and try to choose products and services that are more sustainable.
  • I support ethical business: I care about the working conditions in which the products are made and avoid companies that exploit workers or have unethical business practices.
  • I am price conscious: I'm always looking for the best deals, using coupons, taking advantage of sales and trying to get the best deals possible.
  • I don't let myself be led by impulse purchases: Before I buy a product or service, I always consider whether I really need it.
  • I recognize marketing tricks: I am aware of the sales and marketing tactics used to attract customers and I am not easily swayed.
Photo: envato elements

Use the scorecard to find out what you are - an intelligent consumer or a complete spendthrift?!

20 – 35 points: Complete waster

Shopping can be fun, but this quiz can help you think about how you can become a more informed consumer. Read on for some tips on how to behave better when shopping and try some new tactics the next time you head to the store or online.

36 – 50 points: Occasionally shrewd

You see the value in being an intelligent consumer, but sometimes you fall for it marketing tricks or impulse purchases. Try to make more conscious decisions about what to buy and when to buy.

51 – 70 points: Intelligent consumer

Excellent! Your shopping habits show that you are a conscious consumer who is aware of value, sustainability, ethics and environmental impact. At the same time, if you have achieved this result, you have the possibility of being rich one day.

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