
The best diet for women over 40: lose up to 5 kilograms in 7 days

Photo: YouTube screenshot

The ideal diet for women over 40, which is also used by the famous Cindy Crawford, is easy to use and great to jump into a swimsuit. This diet, also known as a mini diet, lasts for seven days and can help you lose up to 5 kilograms.

Cindy Crawford, who overshadows even younger women with her appearance, revealed the ideal diet for women over 40 years old, with which you can easily get rid of unwanted centimeters and extra kilograms. In crisis situations, he intervenes mini diets, which you can easily use too.

At this mine diet no need to starve. The main part of the diet consists of 5-6 meals, which include breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks. It is important that all meals are eaten in small portions. This maintains an optimal metabolism, because if the body does not get enough food, the metabolism can slow down and the body starts to accumulate fat.

It is recommended that meals consist of 30% of protein, 40% of carbohydrates and 30% of fat. This ratio helps maintain a balanced nutrient intake, which is key to healthy weight loss and achieving desired results.

Healthy diet for weight loss. Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

Diet for women - nutrition plan:

The main component of the diet is low-calorie white cabbage soup, which should be consumed 5 times a day. The soup is made with water and contains carrots, tomatoes, peppers, celery, green beans, green onions and parsley. When making soup, avoid potatoes and other vegetables rich in carbohydrates.

In addition to soup, you can also include fresh fruits and vegetables, milk (maximum 250 ml per week), yogurt (maximum 150 ml per week) and brown rice. A moderate amount of steamed meat (chicken or turkey up to 150 g) or fish (up to 200 g) is also allowed.

Healthy weight loss. Photo: Pixabay / Pexels

Drinking water is allowed without restriction. Also green tea and freshly brewed black coffee without sugar and milk, but no more than two cups a day.

It is necessary during a diet avoid canned food, bread, flour products, chocolate, sweets, carbonated and alcoholic beverages.

Daily diet menu

Monday: Soup, fresh vegetables (unlimited) and diet yogurt.

Tuesday: Soup, fresh fruit (unlimited) and low-fat yogurt.

Wednesday: Soup, fresh vegetables and fruit (no limits).

Thursday: Soup and boiled chicken.

Friday: Soup, boiled beef or veal.

Saturday: Soup, fresh vegetables (unlimited) and low-fat yogurt.

Sunday: Soup, fresh vegetables and fruit (unlimited).

By consistently following this diet plan and a combination of intense exercise, you can achieve the desired weight loss results in just two weeks. It is recommended that you consult a nutritionist or doctor before starting any diet to make sure it is suitable for your individual needs and medical condition.

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