
The best restaurants of 2022 as selected by the gastronomic guide Gault&Millau Slovenia

Slovenian cuisine is booming? Photo: House Franko

This year, Gault&Millau, one of the most influential international restaurant guides, once again set out to explore Slovenian corners where delicious food and good drinks are served. And finally, they revealed the highest-rated restaurants and recipients of Gault&Millau Slovenia's special awards for 2022. We have prepared for you a list of restaurants that, according to Gault&Millau, are the most worthwhile to visit.

International guide inspectors Gault&Millau agree that it is Slovenian cuisine in bloom. This is evidenced by the fact that they are on ranking of the best caterers ranked just 8 restaurants, 2 young talents and 2 popular meeting points. The entire selection they made will be known in the second half of March- that's when this year's guide is published, which she also supported Slovenian Tourist Organization (STO).

Photo: gaultmillau.com

Gault&Millau award

This year, the Gault&Millau awards were held in virtual world, but she concluded with the desire to meet again live, of course at a table covered with delicious delicacies. Mira Šemic, director Gault&Millau Slovenia, she told the caterers celebratory message: "The past year was not easy for caterers either, so it is all the more inspiring to observe the dedication and passion with which they tirelessly push the boundaries in the world of gastronomy. Recipients of special awards and all those listed in the guide represent the rich and diverse flavors of Slovenia both on a plate and in a glass. And for that they deserve all the congratulations and praise. And also support."
The importance of gastronomy then also supported Ilona Stermecki, M.Sc. mark. and prod., acting director Slovenian tourist organizations, who added: "Especially in recent years, Slovenian gastronomy has received extraordinary attention from international experts, the media and the general public, who often place Slovenia at the very top of the charts of recommended countries precisely on the basis of gastronomy."

Traditional chef Uroš Gorjanc Photo: Cveto Sonc

Winners of the Gault&Millau awards

One of the most important recognitions that a restaurant can receive is being named four caps. They confirm extremely quality and excellence. They successfully preserved them Inn at Lojzet, Denk House, Osterija Debeluh, Restaurant Mak, Restaurant Strelec and Franko's house, and they joined the strawberry selection Restaurant Pavus and Hill.
Then Gault&Millau also awarded prizes for the best chefs. A prestigious title chef of the year was received by the promoter of wild food in Slovenia Marko Pavčnik from the restaurant Peacock at Tabor Laško Castle, title the chef of the future and it belonged to the ambassador of Istria Filip Matjaž from Portorož COB restaurants. A chef of tradition has become Uroš Gorjanc from Kristof Inns in Predoslje near Kranje.

Chef of the year 2022 Marko Pavčnik Photo: Peter Irman

In the category Young Talent two chefs received the award, namely Marko Magajne and Marko Vršič from Flavor galleries, which is located in Novi Celje. Despite their youth, both master chefs elevate their cooking skills to the highest heights culinary heights.
Awards in the category POP were awarded to Ljubljana Court Bar, which is considered to be a wine culture brought closer to people, and kobariška House Polonka, intended for lovers relaxed atmosphere and tasty treats.

Young talent Marko Vršič
Young talent Marko Magajne

They are also an important part of the culinary experience waiters or sommeliers. He received an award in this field Gregor Kren from Novi Meška Houses of Fink, which he earned with his professionalism, knowledge and feelings for guests.
And because sometimes something fits everyone sweet, awards were also announced in the field confectionery. It is considered the best this year Zebra Patisseries, where the creators of delicious treats follow a philosophy Tomija Czech: first you have to learn to visit basics, and then create after to your taste.

List of awards selected by the Gault&Millau Slovenia guide for 2022:

1. House Franko, Staro selo near Kobarid, 18/20, 4 caps

2. Gostilna pri Lojzet, Dvorec Zemono, Vipava, 17.5/20, 4 caps

3. Denk House, Zgornja Kungota, 17.5/20, 4 caps

4. Ošterija Debeluh, Brežice, 17.5/20, 4 caps

5. Restaurant Mak, Maribor, 17/20, 4 caps

6. Restaurant Strelec, Ljubljana, 17/20, 4 caps

7. Restaurant Pavus, Grad Tabor Laško, 17/20, 4 caps

8. Grič, Šentjošt nad Horjulo, 17/20, 4 caps

Chef of the year: Marko Pavčnik, Pavus Restaurant, Tabor Laško Castle

A chef of tradition: Uroš Gorjanc, Gostilna Krištof, Predoslje

Chef of the future: Filip Matjaž, Restaurant COB, Portorož

Young talent: Marko Magajne, Gallery of Tastes, Novo Celje

Young talent: Marko Vršič, Gallery of Tastes, Novo Celje

The best sommelier: Gregor Kren, House Fink, Novo mesto

The best POP: Dvorni bar, Ljubljana

The best POP: Polonka House, Kobarid

The best pastry shop: Zebra Patisseries, Ljubljana

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