
Best Series for SFCI Fans – “For All Mankind” – What if the space race never ended?

An alternate history of the space race

Najboljša serija za ljubitelje SFCI
Photo: Apple TV

Available on Apple TV+, the series "For All Mankind" takes us to an alternate history where the Soviets defeat the Americans in the race to the moon. Created by Ronald D. Moore along with Ben Nedivi and Matt Wolpert, this intriguing series explores what would happen if the space race never ended. This is the best series for SFCI fans.

This is the best series for SFCI fans! "For All Mankind" begins in 1969, when the Soviet Union successfully lands the first manned mission on the moon, putting the Americans in an unusual position. This historic defeat leads to new ambitions at NASA and prolongs the space race for decades. Throughout its seasons, the series follows the lives of the astronauts, engineers and their families involved in this competitive space odyssey, and also shows how history and technology develop in an alternative space scenario.

"For All Mankind" is a series that goes beyond the usual television productions in terms of character and technique. The series begins during the Cold War, where the United States and the Soviet Union are competing in the space race. The Soviets are the first to land on the moon, prompting the Americans to intensify their efforts in space. The space race thus does not dry up, but flares up even more, and the goals become even more ambitious: bases on the Moon, colonization and even growing food on its surface.

One of the standout features of this series is how skillfully it combines elements of advanced technology with technologically outdated items from the past. In the 1980s, people use video calls while still listening to music on turntables and using landlines. NASA's transformation from a budget agency to a for-profit corporation adds to the plot.

Photo: Apple TV
So far, the series has four seasons, and each season consists of ten episodes. Over the course of four seasons, the series delivers deep characters and dramatic plotlines involving political games, interpersonal conflicts, and monumental space ventures that hinge on the outcomes of the space race between the world's great powers.
Photo: Apple TV
The CGI of this series is impressive, giving the space scenes real conviction. Also, the series skilfully intertwines historical events with fiction, which gives viewers the opportunity to see history in a new light. Politics, personal stories and technological advances are interwoven in a way that constantly keeps the viewer in suspense.
Photo: Apple TV
Starring Joel Kinnaman as Edward “Ed” Baldwin, Jodi Balfour as Ellen Wilson, Wrenn Schmidt as Margo Madison and others. Each character brings their own unique influence to the story that unfolds within this cosmic dynamic. Some of the characters in the series are very complex, as they don't just fall into the black or white category, but allow the viewer to understand their motives and dilemmas. This series also features excellent timing; just when you might get tired of the current story, the series takes a time jump and offers fresh challenges.
Photo: Apple TV
The best series for SFCI fans is very well received by critics and viewers, especially the last season, which has an almost perfect rating on the Rotten Tomatoes platform. Of particular interest is the plot of the fourth season, which involves a time jump to the beginning of the 21st century, where a new group of recruits discovers an extremely valuable asteroid. This season, they face new challenges and dramas that further fuel the international race for space supremacy.

The series "For All Mankind" offers an interesting mix of science fiction and dramatic human stories that explore how individual choices affect the common future of all of us, and the need for international cooperation for a better tomorrow is also emphasized. Science fiction and alternative history enthusiasts will find this series a rich source of thought and entertainment. “For All Mankind” is not just another space opera; is a thoughtful, well-executed series that manages to grab and hold viewers' attention. If you're a fan of history, technology, or just good stories, this is a series that deserves your time. I'm sure you won't regret taking the time for this space adventure that questions "what if..." in a whole new way.

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