
Diet with oranges: lasts only 3 days, you can lose up to 1 kilogram per day

Is this the key to better health?

Photo: envato

How to clean the body in a simple way and lose a few extra pounds at the same time? The three-day diet with oranges promises just that – a fresh approach to detoxing the body, improving digestion and strengthening the immune system. But is it really as effective as it sounds? And what exactly does this diet involve?

The orange diet is emerging as a fresh alternative in the world of diet regimes that promise quick results with minimal effort. This short-term orange diet focuses not only on weight loss, but also on cleansing the body and improving general well-being.

Oranges are a true treasure trove of nutrients; are rich with vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants and various important minerals. Their regular consumption can help improve the immune system, reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart and cancer, and regulate body weight.

Oranges. Photo: Katana / Pexels

The three-day diet with oranges focuses on combining low-calorie meals with a high content of oranges, to promote weight loss and improve digestion. This diet may appeal to people who are looking for a way to quickly improve their eating habits or simply to include more fruits, such as oranges, in their diet.

3-day diet with oranges

The diet is designed to be simple but effective. It is based on enjoyment fresh oranges and orange juice, complemented by balanced meals that promote body cleansing and weight loss.

Day 1

Breakfast: Fresh orange juice and a cup of oatmeal with orange slices.

Lunch: Salad with arugula, avocado, pine nuts and fresh orange slices, olive oil and fresh orange juice dressing.

Include oranges in every meal. Photo: Xuan Thống Trần / Pexels

Dinner: Roast chicken marinated in orange juice, garlic and rosemary, served with a light salad with orange slices.

Day 2

Breakfast: Orange, banana and Greek yogurt smoothie.

Lunch: Cold quinoa salad with black olives, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers and oranges, seasoned with fresh orange juice.

Dinner: Baked tofu with orange and ginger sauce served with vegetable parisian mix.

Day 3

Breakfast: Curd with honey, almonds and fresh orange slices.

Lunch: Mixed vegetable salad, boiled eggs and sliced fresh oranges.

Prepare fresh juice. Photo: Marcelo Verfe / Pexels

Dinner: Grilled fish with orange juice, caper and parsley sauce, served with lettuce and orange slices.

Every day is important drink enough water, ideally between 2 and 3 liters to support hydration and help remove toxins from the body.

Oranges are recommended eat fresh, to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals. Choose organic oranges whenever possible, as they are usually less processed and pesticide-free. In addition, when you prepare meals, avoid adding too much salt or sugar, to preserve the natural flavors and benefits of the ingredients.

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