
The first electric motor with a range of more than 200 kilometers – Johammer J1

Austria's Johammer presented the first J1 electric motor with a longer range than 200 kilometers. You will pay at least 23 thousand euros for a modern "chopper".

Electric motors they do not represent anything new on the market, and all of them are plagued by problems of small scope. They successfully dealt with this problem at to Johammer and developed advanced motorcycle, which with one charge overcomes to 200 kilometer distance.

It's about design futuristically designed "chopper", which drives it 11 kW electric motor placed in the rear wheel. A special feature it also represents the fact that it doesn't have a gearbox, the entire drive train and throughout the lifespan does not require maintenance. It is available in two versions depending on the range viz 150 and 200 kilometers, and the difference is only in the capacity of the batteries. A motorcycle reaches 120 km/h and offers exemplary acceleration, but also because of the low center of gravity above average driving characteristics. Prices start at 23,000 euros, and for the version with an extended range, you will pay 25,000 euros.

See more photos of the first electric motor in the photo gallery

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