
The importance of a balanced diet for a healthy lifestyle

Photo: envato

For a healthy lifestyle, nothing is more important than a balanced diet and taking into account all the essential nutrients that the body needs. A proper diet plan helps to achieve an ideal body weight and reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

What is a balanced diet?

Simply put, it is a diet that provides nutrients that help the body function properly. The importance of nutrition is also in the intake of the right amount of calories. Your body gets proper nutrition when you eat a wide variety of calorie-dense foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and protein. A healthy diet is about feeling great, more energy, improving health and mood. Good nutrition, physical activity, and a healthy weight are essential parts of a person's overall health and well-being. If you do not maintain a proper diet for a healthy body, you may be more prone to illness, infection or even exhaustion.

Photo: envato

In addition to a balanced diet, regular physical activity is also important, with which we can manage many health problems and improve mental health by reducing stress, depression and pain. Regular exercise can help prevent metabolic syndrome, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis and anxiety.

What is a balanced diet?

Photo: envato

A balanced diet includes some special groups of healthy foods:

  • Vegetables such as leafy greens, starchy vegetables, legumes such as beans and peas, red and orange vegetables and others such as eggplant.
  • Fruits, which includes whole fruit, fresh or frozen, but not canned fruit dipped in syrup.
  • Cereals, such as whole grains and refined grains. For example, quinoa, oats, brown rice, barley and buckwheat.
  • Proteins, such as lean beef and pork, chicken, fish, beans, peas and legumes.
  • Dairy Products, such as low-fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and soy milk.

A balanced diet usually contains 50 to 60 percent carbohydrates, 12 to 20 percent protein, and 30 percent fat. All organs and tissues need proper nutrition to function effectively by consuming the right amount of nutrients and calories to maintain an ideal weight. The general health and well-being of a person thus depends on a good diet, physical exercise and a healthy body weight.

Replacement meals

In the fast pace of life and the many obligations we have in our daily lives, it is often difficult to ensure that we are getting the right amount of the above nutrients into our body. In this case, a potion can help us Herbalife Formula 1, which was developed by experts and is considered an easily digestible and perfectly balanced meal. It contains 25 vitamins and minerals (1/3 of the recommended daily intake), high-quality protein of vegetable origin (soybean protein) and a combination of carbohydrates, fats and fibers. It should be emphasized that the Formula 1 drink does not contain genetically modified ingredients, artificial colors or artificial flavors, it is also sweetened with stevia and does not contain gluten or lactose. It is available in 11 flavors in Slovenia. More information is available at this link.

Photo: Herbalife

Due to the ideal combination of dietary nutrients, Formula 1 is considered a complete replacement meal, if we want control over the maintenance or reduction of body weight. Indeed, clinical research shows that replacing one main meal with a weight-control meal replacement within a calorie-restricted diet helps maintain weight after weight loss, and replacing two main meals with a weight-control meal replacement helps reduce weight weight.

Plan your daily meals

A perfect combination of nutritional ingredients and an active lifestyle are prerequisites for a healthy life. But in addition to what we eat, it is also important when we eat, so that we will have enough energy for everyday activities. Taking care of your nutrition starts with the first meal of the day - breakfast. As we all know the morning logistics before leaving home, the Formula 1 drink is more than a great meal replacement. In addition to various beverages, it can also be used to prepare main dishes, snacks and desserts. Below we have for you 2 interesting recipes for preparation with Herbalife Formula 1.

Recipe: Banana smoothie with mint

  • Servings: 1
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
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  • 1 portion (26 g) F1 with mint & chocolate flavor
  • 1 serving (6 g) of F3 Individualized protein powder
  • A handful of ice cubes
  • 1 medium banana
  • A pinch of mint leaves
  • 200 ml semi-skimmed milk (or plant-based drink)


  1. Mix all the ingredients in an electric mixer until you reach the desired consistency.
  2. Pour into a glass and decorate with mint leaves, you can sprinkle a little dark chocolate if you wish.

Recipe: Energy Balls

  • Servings: 1
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Rating: ★★★★★
  • Print


  • 50 g ground oatmeal
  • 30 g of cocoa powder
  • 0 g desiccated coconut
  • 2 servings (52 g) of F1 with smooth chocolate flavor
  • 70 ml of unsweetened soy drink
  • 1 tablespoon honey (use agave or maple syrup for a vegan version)
  • Crushed nuts, coconut, toasted seeds - to sprinkle on the balls (optional)


  1. Grind the oatmeal in an electric mixer to a smooth powder.
  2. Shake this into a mixing bowl and add the desiccated coconut, cocoa powder and F1. Mix well.
  3. Pour in the soy drink and add the honey (if the honey is a bit hard, warm it up a bit before adding it to the rest of the ingredients) and mix well.
  4. Shape into balls and roll in nuts, coconut, or seeds (depending on what you choose to sprinkle).
  5. Place them in the refrigerator, where they should rest and cool for at least 1 hour.

Herbalife Nutrition Recipe Booklet

The Herbalife Nutrition Recipe Book contains 80 healthy recipes for all meals throughout the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks and desserts), with new and delicious flavors. The recipes in the booklet were created by members of Herbalife Nutrition and celebrity chef Rachel Allen. The booklet provides ideas on how to use Herbalife Nutrition products in the preparation of various dishes. With the purchase of the booklet, you also receive a branded wooden cutting board as a gift.

How to get the Herbalife nutrition recipe book?

The Herbalife Nutrition Recipe Booklet and Herbalife Nutrition products can only be ordered from Herbalife Nutrition Independent Members. You can find a member by filling out the form on the link https://kontakt.herbalife.si/.

Don't skip meals

Diet planning is the key to success in maintaining and losing weight. With pre-planned meals, you can avoid falling into the trap of eating quick and convenient meals that aren't necessarily healthy. Never skip a meal when you're pressed for time. Then let him be your "savior" Formula 1 Express bar for a nutritious meal with a taste of dark chocolate. This nutritionally complete meal is high in protein and fiber as well as 25 vitamins and minerals. It is also suitable for vegetarians and has only 207 calories.

Photo: Herbalife

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