
The most unfortunate selfies of 2014

The trend of self-portraiture, which we call the selfie, really took off in 2014. Even so that he got his own song (The Chainsmokers) and string (Selfie). There is practically no smartphone user who does not have at least one on their account, and the obsession of some has exceeded all limits of taste. Well, sometimes it is enough to not check what is happening around us and reveal things that are not for the public.

The vast majority of people take selfies to promote themselves self-confidence. Likes and other digital forms of praise are like compliments that pat us on the back, like high fives. But because on selfies we see only ourselves and we only care about our appearance (which coincides with the self-centered nature of the selfie), fast we overlook the surroundings and what is happening around us, which can hide a lot of things that are not for the public eye or that we kept quiet for the sake of a good story.

READ MORE: "Dronie": a new type of "selfie" photo taken with a camera in flight

So in the end, instead of walking away from the selfie 10 centimeters taller, ours suffers pride. You probably wouldn't want to put yourself in the shoes of the people you'll see in the gallery.

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