
6 Shocking Ways Selfies Can Harm Your Health

From lice to elbow pain

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Taking selfies has become a popular pastime for many, but did you know that it can affect your health? From distorting your body image to potentially putting you at risk for lice, there are several sneaky ways selfies can harm you. Read on to discover six shocking ways your love of selfies could be harming your health.

How can selfies harm your health?!

You can get head lice!

Believe it or not, taking selfies can lead to enlargement cases of lice. The close proximity of heads in a group selfie can cause the transmission of lice. While there's no hard evidence to support this theory, it's something to keep in mind the next time you take a selfie with your friends.


They can distort your body image

All that time spent perfecting your pose and angle for the perfect selfie, could do more harm than good. A 2015 study found that girls who shared the most selfies on social media were more likely to be dissatisfied with their bodies and idealize a thin standard of beauty. They were also more likely to restrict their diet compared to those who posted fewer selfies. Remember, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.


They bring out your narcissistic side

Posting too many selfies can be a sign of narcissistic tendencies. In a 2014 study, researchers found that those who posted more selfies were ranked higher on narcissism and psychopathy. While posting a selfie here and there is harmless, don't forget to show off your many other wonderful features besides your looks.

They could put you in serious danger

It's not worth risking your life for the perfect selfie. There have been several cases where people have died while trying to take a photo in dangerous locations, such as on top of tall buildings or while hanging from a bridge. Always prioritize your safety over the perfect shot.

They can hurt your elbow

As with any overuse injury, taking too many selfies can cause inflammation and irritation of the muscles and tendons around the elbow, causing pain similar to tennis elbow. If you're feeling pain from taking too many selfies, try giving your elbow a break and take some time away from your phone.


Selfies could make you happy!

Although selfies can have negative effects, they can also make you happy. A study published in 2016 found that taking and thinking about a photo every day can lead to greater happiness and a positive self-image. So go ahead, take a selfie, but don't forget to balance it with other activities that make you feel good.

While taking selfies can be a fun way to capture memories and express yourself, it's important to remember the potential harm they could cause. Be aware of how often you take selfies and what impact they may have on your health and well-being.

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