
The mysterious power of a warm bath that you don't know yet!

Although there are many benefits associated with bathing in cold water, it is a warm bath that has a very beneficial effect on your health.

Past studies have linked heat therapy, including saunas and hot tubs, to improved sleep quality and heart health. But new research shows that taking a warm bath at least four times a week can lower blood pressure and the risk of type 2 diabetes, according to scientists. Mind Body Green.

The study, presented at the annual meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), analyzed more than 1,297 adults with type 2 diabetes and the effects of regular warm water bathing and the effects on their metabolic health.


The patients were divided into three groups. The researchers collected and compared data from participants in each test group, including body measurements and blood tests.

Those with a higher frequency of bathing in warm water showed reductions in body weight, diastolic blood pressure and glycosylated hemoglobin – the type that controls blood sugar. It is for this reason that it can help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

On average, adults who saw this reduction took a warm bath about four times a week at least 16 minutes.

The positive effect on sugar and blood pressure levels remained the same regardless of age, weight, gender and related medications.


Although bathing is by no means a cure for type 2 diabetes, these findings may suggest that it is a free yet relaxing way to manage and relieve symptoms.

Taking a warm bath should be a given from now on. Do something for yourself!

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