
The three-minute rule: what you must do after showering

Photo: Ron Lach / Pexels

There's no better feeling than fresh, clean skin when you step out of the shower. However, be careful, if you want to keep your skin nice and smooth, you should follow the three minute rule. But what does that mean?

Proper skin care is extremely important. Regular cleaning and hydration are just two of the ways to nurture it. In addition, you also need to make sure that it is yours Lifestyle as much as healthy. Research shows links between unhealthy diet, smoking, lack of sleep, excessive alcohol consumption and skin problems. It also affects the skin amount of stress and use sun creams.

Skin care is extremely important Photo: RF._.studio / Pexels

One of the products recommended for skin care is for sure moisturizing cream. You apply it to your skin after showering and thereby keep hers moisture and make sure it stays nice and smooth. And it is here that must be taken into account the three minute rule.

The mistake most women make is that before applying he waits too long or is it at all does not apply. If you want soft, smooth skin, then using a moisturizer after showering is a must. After showering, the steam and heat in the bathroom make you feel hot they expand the pores and then the key is to retain moisture in your body so that within the deadline three minutes you apply moisturizer.

Never wait too long after showering Photo: Dollar Gill / Unsplash

In order not to forget about it, we advise you to use a moisturizing cream feed in the bathroom, near the spa or shower cabin. This will ensure that your skin moistened and you will escape irritation, dry skin, acne and other skin problems.

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