
Trick to fall asleep quickly: Massage this part of the body and you will fall asleep in three minutes!

Photo: envato

Are you struggling with sleeping problems? Do you wake up at night and have a hard time getting back to sleep? Wondering how to fall asleep quickly? A simple trick can affect your sleep!

Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep? How to fall asleep quickly? Anyone who has spent at least one night awake knows that this is not the most pleasant problem. Research shows that approximately 1 in 10 % people suffer from chronic insomnia, and as many as 40 % women and 30 % men have sleep problems at least occasionally.

Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

However, there is a simple trick that will help you fall asleep faster and sleep better. This technique appeasement it will help you relax and lower cortisol levels in your body!

How to fall asleep quickly - the right technique

Experts recommend that before going to bed rub the inner part of the wrist for 2-3 minutes. This calming technique will help you relax and lower cortisol levels in your body. Cortisol is a stress hormone that can affect your mood and sleep quality.

Photo: envato

Cortisol plays an important role in bodily functions and stress response, but is also associated with sleep-wake cycle. When cortisol levels are elevated, problems such as insomnia, shorter sleep time and tiredness in the morning. That is why it is important to regulate it and one way is to rub the inner part of the wrist.

This method based on acupressure, that is, pressure on sensitive points in the body, which can help relieve stress and pain. Rubbing your wrists is believed to be one of those points, and in addition to helping you sleep better, it can also have a positive effect on your overall health.

How to fall asleep quickly - other techniques

Do you have trouble sleeping? Photo: Cottonbro Studio / Pexels

Experts recommend reading a book before bed, as it has been proven to reduce stress levels up to 68 %. A study by the University of Sussex found that just six minutes of reading was enough to reduce stress in participants.

Petting a pet 10 minutes before bed and avoiding alcohol consumption, especially in the last three hours before bed, also help you sleep better. Although alcohol can have an immediate sedative effect, it affects the sleep cycle and can disrupt restorative sleep. Therefore, it is important to avoid excessive alcohol consumption before going to bed.

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