
These are the amazing things your smartphone says about your relationship!

You don't need love experts to find out WHAT'S GOOD and WHAT'S BAD in your relationship - just look at your phone, which hides a lot of information.

Since phones have been on the market, many couples have lost touch and feel like a big gap has opened up between them. On the other hand, this device made it possible to you are in contact with your loved one at every step. We could talk about the advantages and disadvantages of modern technologies sold out by tomorrow, but the fact is that they have to find a healthy limit of use which it won't hurt to you as a whole and as individuals.
Have you ever thought that your phone stores a lot of data that can tell also something about your relationship?

This is what your phone says about your relationship...

How often do you hear each other?

The fact is that we live in a technological society whose main "gadget" is the telephone. And even though you may not like technology, you do you can't avoid using these. They have become a necessity, not a luxury.
Regardless of what kind of work they do, they will still find time for each other, call each other or exchange cute messages. During a break, walking to the toilet or on the way to/from work. Also short interactions help to maintain the connection between you.
If you have time for social media and catching Pokemon, you'll find it for your loved one (and he for you). If you don't want it find for each other, what they do together?

How often do you hear each other?
How often do you hear each other?

Are you hiding your phone from each other?

If you notice that he hides his phone and is afraid that it will arrive in your hands, he's probably hiding something (it's the same if you do these things). In an honest relationship, things are transparent and there is no reason to hide anything. Power couples say things to each other and they don't work behind each other's backs.

It's entirely possible that your partner isn't hiding anything, but his behavior still suggests that he is your relationship is not based on trust. Obviously, everyone deserves their privacy and it's completely bizarre that you're going through their phone and controlling them, but that doesn't mean they're going to hide from you who they've been talking to and what they've been doing.

What are your photos like?
What are your photos like?

What are your photos like?

Some people don't want to keep private photos on their phone. In this case, it is quite normal, yes they don't even have photos of their partners. However! If your partner has photos of all the other people important to him but not yours, he is probably something wrong.
Sometimes people don't realize that they only have a parallel role in the lives of partners, even though they think they have the main one. In this case, it is important to talk to your partner to understand why this is happening.
Interestingly, too your photos together say a lot – are they really happy?

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