
These are the three exercises you should do at home during the winter to stay in shape until spring

Let's face it, it's hard to stay in shape during the corona and in such weather conditions. Gyms, fitness centers and sports fields are currently closed, so fitness experts recommend these practical exercises that you can do at home to stay in shape until spring.

We must always keep in mind that it is very important to keep fit. That's why fitness experts recommend these three exercises, which can be done without any problems between the four walls and with which we will quickly get in shape (if we haven't already). It's enough for training just 10 minutes a day!

1. Wide squats

The wide squat improves leg strength and stretches the thighs. In addition, wide squats strengthen the heart and blood circulation.

Starting position

Stand with your feet parallel. Bend your knees slightly. Extend your arms toward the ceiling in a V shape.

Carrying out the exercise

Bend your knees. Lower your arms to the sides until your fingertips touch the floor. The knees are always forward, the buttocks are tense. From this position, return to the starting position.


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2. Swing your leg

By swinging the leg, the hips become more mobile, the trunk and back are stabilized.

Starting position

Stand straight, bend your elbows slightly so that your arms are in the shape of the letter U. Bend one leg slightly, lift the other leg off the floor.

Carrying out the exercise

With the raised leg, step diagonally in front of the standing leg. Switch sides after half a minute. Beginners can hold on to something while practicing.

3. Lateral sit-ups

This exercise strengthens the core of the trunk, abdominal muscles, improves mobility.

Starting position

Kneel on the floor and turn to the right, placing your right hand on the floor. Keeping your balance, slowly extend your left leg and toes on it. Put your left hand behind your head so that your elbow is pointing towards the ceiling.

Carrying out the exercise

Raise your leg to hip height, the elbow of the hand behind your head and the knee should touch. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 5 to 10 times. Do one to two sets and then switch sides.


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