
This is food for better sleep - what to eat before bed

Food for sleep

Better sleep with the right food. Did you know that you can also help yourself sleep better with food? You probably know that we should not go to bed with a full stomach or hungry. Namely, hunger causes anxiety in the spoon, and heartburn, flatulence and pain in the stomach shorten our sleep if we go to bed so full that we feel pressure in the stomach. Are you wondering which food improves sleep? Find out below.

Sleep is necessary for regeneration, as it regulates the basic processes in the body - immune system, body temperature and hormone production. Do you suffer from insomnia? Maybe you're eating the wrong thing before bed. Want to improve your sleep? The key to good sleep is the right food. But which food improves sleep? Find out below.

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By the way. Treating sleep with food is called phytotherapy, that is, it is a therapy when we introduce the nutrients that the body needs for natural sleep into the body.

Foods for better sleep that you can eat in moderation before going to bed:

Starchy food

Rice for better sleep.
Rice for better sleep.

Foods rich in starch (rice, beans, peas, corn, soybeans, lentils, chickpeas, potatoes, buckwheat, barley, millet, and other grains) act as a sedative on the brain while improving physical endurance.

Potassium is vital for quality sleep and bananas have plenty of it. They also contain tryptophan and magnesium, which are key to the functioning of the nervous system.

Honey acts as a mild sedative. Mix it with warm milk or chamomile tea. It lowers the level of orexin, a neurotransmitter that has an invigorating effect on the body.

Whole grain products
Whole grain foods stimulate the formation of insulin. This stimulates the action of tryptophan, an amino acid that reduces tension and anxiety.


Honey and milk.
Honey and milk.

A sweetened milk drink promotes better sleep. Sugar allows brain cells to absorb more tryptophan from the bloodstream, which the brain converts into serotonin—that happy, calming hormone.

Herbal teas
For better sleep, treat yourself to herbal tea, preferably chamomile, melissin or valerian, or tea made from lime flowers.

Eating nuts before bed will increase your serotonin levels. Nuts are also a rich source of magnesium.

What foods are best to avoid before bed?

Do not eat French fries before going to bed.
Do not eat French fries before going to bed.

Sleep is adversely affected by fat or fatty foods, so avoid fried and fried foods before going to bed. Also, do not reach for spicy food and spicy additives. It is a mistake to believe that a glass of wine will lull you to sleep. The truth is that alcohol reduces the quality of sleep. Like the devil of the cross, avoid beef broth, which is difficult to digest, and chocolate, sweets and sugary drinks.

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