
Which row should you choose before the checkout to be the fastest in line?

Line in front of the cashier

Do you also have the feeling that you always get in the wrong line and then watch helplessly as the people in front of the next ticket office move faster? It's a problem we face every time the store is crowded, and then we always pretend that everything is conspiring against us. This phenomenon was also recently tackled by scientists who, based on research, found out which cash register to choose so that your turn will be the fastest.

Which cashier should you choose to be in line the fastest? Do you also always stand in the wrong line at the cash registers? No one likes to wait in a line that doesn't move anywhere. But as a rule, we always choose the one that moves along the snail. Fortunately, experts from the University of Washington and Purdue University came to our aid, who researched this phenomenon and came to the following conclusions, which will help us in the future to choose the fastest and no longer the slowest type and thus get to our turn as quickly as possible .

Do you always choose the wrong type before checkout too? Put an end to this!
Do you always choose the wrong type before checkout too? Put an end to this!

They reached the results based on statistics, observation of people's behavior in the store and opinions of experienced customers. The first rule is to analyze the composition of the species, therefore the type of customers and the contents of their shopping carts/baskets. If the line consists of elderly people or parents with small children, this is a hint that this is not the best choice. The research also showed that men pay longer than women at the cash register, as they go to the store less regularly than women, so opt for a more 'feminine' type.

Women go through the cash register faster than men.
Women go through the cash register faster than men.

Likewise, we must not neglect the content of individual customers' purchases. If the latter have one pile of different goods, this is another sign that the species will melt more slowly. The one with five cans of beer will go through the checkout faster than the one with two beers, three hot dogs, mayonnaise, toilet paper and chocolate. The next observation is of a psychological nature. Bad queue length overview it slows down the cashier's work, so we choose the one whose end the cashier can see. The last piece of advice is to stand up behind someone with a full shopping cart, and not for customers who each have a few products. Namely, it is not the scanning of products that consumes the most time, but rather it is gossiping, paying, counting change, etc., which on average burn 41 seconds, and product scanning in total three.

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If you have something of a gambler in you, in the event that it has already accumulated before the cash register really long line, place before the closed cash desk, because there is a high probability that another cashier will come to help her colleague. Anyway stay in the same line and don't jump from one to another, otherwise what happened to the character in the animation above can happen to you.

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